Astrological Forecasts

Heads Up! The Writer’s May Astrological Almanac

by on May.01, 2013, under Algol, Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

Taurus the Bull

Heads Up!

The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

May 2013 

Happy May Day! Whether you celebrate with May poles or with workers’ parades, it’s a holiday. High Spring! Flowers! Let’s all take a deep breath and be grateful that April is over. It might have been a rough ride, but it’s behind us now and a bright strong month lies ahead. We have work to do! 

Wed May 01 begins with the Moon moving into Aquarius. An hour later, Mercury changes signs and enters the most stubborn sign of them all,  Taurus. This can be a month of strong clear thinking and deep appreciation of the good things in life. We are also getting a month of Wednesdays with the Moon in fixed signs. Dig in! 

Fri May 03 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. This is always good for dreams, fantasies, and lush music, as well as romantic imaginings, all story material. 

Sun May 05 the Moon is in Pisces when Mercury exactly opposes Saturn. Listen more than talk, read more that write, and leave the criticism to others if you can. Five hours later, the Moon makes a sextile to Venus and goes void of course till evening when the Moon moves into Aries. It’s hard to get more tender-hearted than this, until the Aries part. Be sensitive, then flame on for the work week.


Mon May 06 the Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries. Start the work week with a constructive, positive bang.


Tue May 07 the Moon is void of course in Aries when Mercury conjuncts Mars. Mars. In Taurus. How refreshing! It’s not all sweetness, light, and roses, though. It can be indecisiveness with stubbornness at every step and misstep. Continue anyway, knowing that what you write today may need heavy editing later.


Wed May 08 the Moon is in Taurus all day. Ration those desk-side treats, go for less or no sugar in the coffee, and write. It’s also the day before the New Moon, so Heads Up. Actually, this New Moon is also going to be a Solar Eclipse. Make that a double Heads Up! Compose yourself, keep calm and carry on with the writing. At the risk of self-contradiction, let me say Heads Down, too, and let the outside world do its stuff while I hide out and write in peace.


Thu May 09 is a celestially busy day. First, a very dark Moon conjuncts (occults, actually) Mars in Taurus. Some very deep personal pleasure may be what keeps you going. This is early in the day and it’s always good for striking a few sparks. Two hours later Venus changes signs and enters Gemini. You may desire to work on more beautiful projects than the world currently allows. Four hours after that, an even darker Moon conjuncts (and occults) Mercury in Taurus. Thoughts and attention may turn dark and profound. Five and a half hour later, at last, we get the New Moon and solar eclipse at 19Tau. Then, for better or worse, the Moon goes void of course. Happily, all this is happening on Jupiter’s day of the week, perhaps comforting and reminding us that we are not alone.


Fri May 10 in the late afternoon, the Moon enters Gemini, making a conjunction with Venus three hours later. It’s an auspicious start to the writerly hours from now till the wee small hours of Monday May 13. If you’re not writing, you can still gather information, observations, conversations, all those things that get processed into writing at the end.


Sat May 11 while the Moon is in Gemini, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Taurus. Is it not the season for parties and social get-togethers of all kinds? There will be lots of people with lots of news and lots to say. Mentally take notes, and try to not eat and drink toooo much.


Sun May 12 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus, then goes void of course. Look forward to a pleasant, maybe productive, low-stress end to the weekend. Start the work week full of energy.


Wed May 15 the Moon is void of course in Cancer when Mercury changes signs and goes home to Gemini. You may want to just sit quietly and listen to the birds sing. Mercury may consider this fun for a bit, but the Moon may find it inspiring. Two hours later, the Moon moves into Leo. If it’s been a lackluster, less than inspired and inspiring day, this can perk up things for you.


Sat May 18 the Moon is void of course in Leo when Mercury squares Neptune. Go for low-profile in public, as this combination easily makes for big misunderstandings (and spicy plot complications). Two hours later the Moon enters Virgo. This often cools things down. Twelve hours later, the Moon opposes Neptune. This means we have the Moon, Mercury, and Neptune in mutable signs, making a T-square that points to mutable fire, Sagittarius. Something you’ve submitted or said or posted could be published and/or seen soon. Heads Up. Be discreet (or at least deliberate) on Facebook, if nothing else. Monday and the start of the work week may tell the tale.


Sun May 19 has little of writerly or artistic interest going on, although the Moon is in Virgo (one of Mercury’s home signs). However, it’s also the last day of the year that the Sun spends in the sign of Taurus. Often the last degree of a sign can carry an extra punch, so be on guard to be kind to your tummy and not over-gluttonize. Tomorrow the world may seem brighter, faster, more chipper and chippier. Brace yourself and look forward to as much writerly activity as you can tolerate as the Sun prepares to spend the next month in Gemini. Heads Up.


Mon May 20 the Moon moves into Libra. That afternoon the Sun itself changes signs, leaving Taurus and entering Gemini. Heads Up for us for the coming month. This would be prime productive writing time if it weren’t also so darn invigorating and full of social interactions, field trips, cultural enrichments, and other people’s words. Go with the flow and make what magic you can.


Wed May 22 the Moon is void of course in Libra for the first half, then moves into Scorpio for the second half. You may not get more serious as the day progresses, but the world around you might.


Thu May 23 the Moon conjuncts Saturn retrograde in Scorpio. It’s also the day before the Full Moon, which is also a Lunar eclipse. Heads Up on the eclipse part. Don’t severely judge your work or yourself. Just keep working and give it time.


Fri May 24 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Mercury and Venus make an exact conjunction in Gemini. If you haven’t submitted or returned phone calls for a while, this is a good time. Four and a half hours later, we get the Full Moon and lunar eclipse at 04Sag. This is a lot of mutable energy. If you’re having trouble staying focused, at least you shouldn’t be bored. This could make for great social situations and opportunities, too. Just be safe, and don’t party all this energy away. If you’re feeling brave, maybe ask the universe for something to work on that’s bigger, grander, and of more universal appeal and usefulness. You don’t have to save the whole world at once, but your work might help some tiny corner of it. Every bit helps. This Sun in Gemini-Moon in Sagittarius Full Moon comes only once a year, after all.


Mon May 27 the Moon is in Capricorn when Mercury and Jupiter make an exact conjunction in Gemini. Even if you write profusely or find yourself running off at the mouth, it should mostly be work-oriented. Capricorn doesn’t like gratuitous anything. Seven hours later the Moon conjuncts (occults, actually, not that we can see it) Pluto in Capricorn. Stay calm and have a cup of tea.


Tue May 28 the Moon is in Aquarius when Venus makes an exact conjunction with Jupiter. Here are the two benefics, conjunct in Gemini. Yes, I know, it’s the day of the week belonging to Mars. So be proactive and do something great with it. Heads Up in a good, good way.


Wed May 29 the Moon is in Aquarius all day. We started the month with the Moon in Aquarius and now we’re getting the chance to tie up some mental loose ends, maybe return to something we started or resumed a few weeks ago.


Fri May 31 the Moon is in Pisces all day. In the wee small hours, Mercury changes signs and enters the Moon’s home, the sign of Cancer. This is a lot of the element water, and if you don’t tend to being weepy, you still may spend a lot of the day being more emotional than usual. About three hours later, the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. If you don’t normally remember your dreams, now you might. Not an hour after the Moon-Neptune conjunction, Mars changes signs and enters Gemini. This eventually can fire up your writing enthusiasm. All these things happen before the day has properly begun on the East Coast of the U.S. It may be a groggy day with a lot to think about, or it could be a day when thoughts coalesce out of some emotional mist. Perhaps it’s better to write than talk about it, except with a very select few folks, of course. (For some of us, it’s almost always better to write than to talk, anyway).


The month may seem like one colossal cosmic mixed bag but you can pull it all together and get more done of lasting value than you ever suspected.  Just dig in and hammer away. That’s what it mostly comes down to, anyway. Have a well-anchored, powerful, productive month, plough on ahead and don’t look back. Heads Up!


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