Tag: Love
Heads Up! The Astrological Almanac Sept 1st-5th
by Kathy Watts on Sep.03, 2015, under Forecasts

Birth of Venus by Botticelli
Heads Up!
The Astrological Almanac for Writers
by Kathy Watts
September 1st – 5th 2015
(all times are PDT)
September starts a few hours after one of the most intense of aspects – Venus conjunct Mars. In Leo, no less. Venus is retrograde but preparing to go stationary direct, so Venus may be moving more slowly than Mars and thus be stronger. Perhaps urbane good sense will outweigh passionate action. You decide. Regardless, it’s a Tuesday (the day of the week ruled by Mars, with the Moon in Aries (a Mars-ruled sign). Take that fire and burn your way through a month full of productive days. Be daring and undeterred. You can still love it, too. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s February Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Feb.01, 2013, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
February 2013
Welcome to short and sweet February. (It might be cold, too.) We start on the sweet Venus day of Friday with the Moon in Libra (one of the two signs ruled by Venus). Go for pleasantness and nice manners all month long. It can take you further than you suspect. (continue reading…)
Lilly on Love
by Dorothy J. Kovach on Aug.19, 2012, under Traditional Astrology
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