Tag: Kathy Watts
July 2013 Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Jul.02, 2013, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
July 2013
Welcome to July, the heart of summer (or winter, depending on where you live). (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac June 2013
by Kathy Watts on Jun.03, 2013, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
June 2013
Welcome to June, when the sun cruises north to the Tropic, peaks, and turns around again. North or south hemispheres, it’s a month of solar extremes. May we turn it into a month of extreme productivity, pleasure, and satisfaction. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s April Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Apr.04, 2013, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
April 2013
Welcome to the flowery fantastic month of April. The way this year’s going, it may still have some snow and rain, too. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological March Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Mar.01, 2013, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Here comes March comes howling in!
Fri 01 Mar the Moon enters Scorpio. Serious stuff, this, and good thing. We have serious work to do. That it’s Venus’s day of the week may grant us all a little grace throughout the month. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s February Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Feb.01, 2013, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
February 2013
Welcome to short and sweet February. (It might be cold, too.) We start on the sweet Venus day of Friday with the Moon in Libra (one of the two signs ruled by Venus). Go for pleasantness and nice manners all month long. It can take you further than you suspect. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological August Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Aug.01, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
August 2012
Here we go into the sunny month of August, most of which has the Sun at home in the sign of Leo the Lion. Shine on! We also start the month with a Full Moon in Aquarius. It’s hard to get bigger and brighter than this! (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The February 2012 Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Feb.01, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Happy February!
Wed Feb 01 gives us the Moon moving into Gemini. We start the month off with a writing bash that lasts until Friday evening. Put on that extra sweater, socks, maybe turn up the heat, or cuddle closer to your laptop, and indulge your writing passion while the outside world does its chill winter thing (assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere or not in the tropics, Hawaii or Key West or some other classic writer refuge). Also today, Venus exactly opposes Mars retrograde. Ah, Love on the tips of both horns. Perhaps paper (or bytes) are the best place to put passions today.
Thu Feb 02 the Moon trines Mercury, a nice touch to add when the Moon is already in Mercury’s home sign of Gemini. Ideas should be in generous supply today. Take notes. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological April Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Apr.04, 2011, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
April 2011
Happy Spring! Congratulations on weathering the storms of March. May there be more sun, warmth, and green growing things in our immediate future! Mercury may be retrograde, but that can be a good thing (yes, you heard me right). Think clearly, carefully, perhaps a bit more slowly (although with Mercury in Aries, how slow can it be?), and deeply. Be grateful for a bit of restraint and a slight curb on what otherwise might be shameless mental mania.
April starts off on a Friday, the day of the week special to Venus and all things charming and lovely. The Moon is void of course in Pisces (and not yet in Aries, for better or worse) when Mars changes signs and enters his home sign of Aries. In a month like this, we could set the world on fire, so be careful and make good choices all month long!
Sat Apr 02 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Aries. Be primed for a high-energy weekend, and remember to take notes, as there may be little time to compose it all properly. Not quite a couple of hours later, the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries. This can be more high-energy surprises, some of which best belong in fiction. Don’t let the stunning stuff pass by unnoticed. Writers are notorious for being observant, after all. It’s also the day before the New Moon (yes, in combustible Aries). Drive safely, especially if you’re in a little red car. Be cautious but not paranoid. Heads Up.
Sun Apr 03 is the New Moon at 13Ari. Inspiration is a form of high energy. If you’re not already fired up about your work, perhaps now’s the time to ask for that. Midday, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, in Aries. This conjunction so close to a new moon makes it even more powerful. Be wide open to massive good luck, and don’t narrowly dictate what form it takes. Two hours later Mars conjuncts Uranus, in Aries. Mars on his alone is combustible. With Uranus, things can be explosive. In Aries (ruled by Mars, don’t forget) it can be more high-yield than “usual” (not that anything about Uranus is usual). I may stay in today and work on my disaster novel. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac Week of Feb 23rd
by Kathy Watts on Feb.02, 2010, under Forecasts
by Kathy Watts
Tue Feb 23 the Moon is still in Gemini when the Sun sextiles Pluto. There are some changes that just need to be made, and there are gracious ways of making them. Then the Moon enters Cancer. Everything seems to hit closer to home. You do not have to spill coffee on your desk. Wed
Feb 24 the Moon is in Cancer, but, as always, it reaches out and touches someone, lots of someones. Today the Moon trines the Sun (self-confidence improves), then the Moon trines Jupiter (give if not also get some good luck), then the Moon trines Venus (adds a touch of charm to everything—-so appreciate it). That’s a lot of gentle touches. Stay concentrated on your work, but Heads Up in a good way.
Thu Feb 25 the Moon conjuncts Mars retrograde in Leo. Heads Up. Channel this away from anger and into being a little nobler in the daily routine. Be willing to cheerfully do something that someone else won’t. Worse case, hole up and write like a demon.
Sat Feb 27 the Moon is still in Leo when Mercury conjuncts Neptune. Magic can happen today. Make it beneficent magic, because before midnight, the Moon opposes Neptune, then Mercury, and all plots and scheming may be revealed. (This might be a useful scenario in the writing of a fantasy novel.)
Sun Feb 28 the Sun conjuncts Jupiter. Contemplate general good luck. About five hours later, the Moon opposes Jupiter. Consider that something lucky may have happened but you’ve overlooked it. Let the Moon shine its light on whatever good is available to you. Eighteen whole minutes later comes the Full Moon at 09Vir. Patiently perfect the many small things that are nonetheless important to you. This is heady stuff on which to end the month. Heads Up for sure. The month ending on a Full Moon is quite a gift. It’s a brilliance to be taken into the coming month. Be brilliant, too, full of plans and projects for the future, and full of energy for the present. Be a light that shines for everyone. Writers work hard with passion and deserve to be heard and read. This means you! Have a stunning month. Heads Up! *********