Tag: Heads Up!
Heads Up! The Writer’s April Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Apr.05, 2017, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
April 2017
All times are PDT.
It’s April, and no fooling! The month starts on a Saturday, Saturn’s day of the week, so skip the fooling around and get a jump on your work load and on whatever works for you.
Sat Apr 01 the Moon is in Gemini, and trine Jupiter retrograde. Write as much as you can. Or, get out and socialize as much as you can and gather material.
Sun Apr 02 the Moon in Gemini opposes Saturn at 7:43 am and goes void of course until 11:27 am when the Moon enters Cancer. Lunch time! Did you get a lot done? At 5:25 pm Venus retrograde changes signs and enters Pisces by the back door. Heads Up, especially for romance writers.
Wed Apr 5 the Moon is in Leo all day. Sit up straight and know that what you write really rocks. Saturn goes retrograde at 10:06 pm. Heads Up. It may be a bit harder to resist interruptions.
Fri Apr 7 the Moon is in Virgo when the Sun opposes Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter is at its brightest and will be high in the night sky around 1 am. Go out and look if you can. Heads Up. Take a good look at how lucky you really are, and appreciate it all. Submit work today, and keep in touch with agents, editors, and your writing critique buddies.
Sat Apr 8 the Moon is in Virgo all day. The big news is, tomorrow starts the second Mercury retrograde period of the year. Heads Up. Keep calm and get organized and systematic. Do you know where your phone is? Good.
Sun Apr 9 the Moon is in Libra when Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 4 Tau. Heads Up. Stay organized at work, keep your home finances organized, drive safely, and you’re good. If this retrograde slows down your productivity, don’t fret. The retrograde will end in Aries and you’ll more than make up for it.
Mon Apr 10 the Moon conjoins Jupiter retrograde at 3:58 pm. You should have luck contacting people now. We have the Full Moon at 21 Lib later at 11:08 pm. It’s a month to love and be loved. Love what you’re working on, too. Passover begins.
Wed Apr 12 the Moon is in Scorpio all day. Nothing can discourage you from your work, except perhaps yourself. Just do it and don’t look back.
Thu Apr 13 the Moon is in Scorpio when the Sun conjoins Uranus in in Aries at 10:30 pm. Heads Up. Write surprising events that have serious consequences.
Sat Apr 15 the Moon is in Sagittarius all day. The big news is that Venus goes stationary direct at 26 Pis at 3:18 am. Heads Up. Write something secret and show it to no one. From April 15 through April 19 we have “only” three planets retrograde. Can you tell the difference? (continue reading…)
Head’s Up! February Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Feb.02, 2017, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
February 2017
all times PST
February! We’re ripping through this year. Are you writing as fast? Do it. There’s a lot going on, and a lot to say. We start with the Moon at the start of the Zodiac, in Aries. It’s a Wednesday, Mercury’s day of the week, so we can craft a month of sharp, fiery wit, if we so choose.
Wed Feb 01 the Moon is in Aries all day. Mercury is sextile Chiron. Don’t be afraid to write about what hurts. Don’t be afraid at all. You don’t have to show it to anyone.
Thu Feb 02 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Aries. Be bold and surprise yourself. Look at something from a radically different angle. A few hours later Mercury squares Jupiter. If you think you’ve gone overboard, so what? That’s what editing is all about. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! January 2017 Forecast
by Kathy Watts on Jan.01, 2017, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
January 2017
(all times are PST)
Happy New Year! Another year bites the dust, We can make this new one as happy and productive a year as we want and need. The year starts on a Sunday, the Sun’s day of the week. So long as we remember to shine, every day, we can reach out and touch gold. Be the best we can be. Write the best and truest that we can write. That’s the Sun for you.
Sun Jan 01 the Moon is Aquarius all day. Think big, observe more of the big picture, and prepare for a bigger audience. The Moon makes a trine with Jupiter in the morning. Being lucky wants to be easy. Late that night, the Moon conjoins Venus. Prepare to be popular and in demand.
Mon Jan 02 the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Sweet dreams, sleeping or waking. Two and a half hours later the Moon conjoins Mars. Now here’s motivation. Shortly before midnight, Venus changes signs, leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. Feel better connected to your work.
Wed Jan 04 the Moon is in Pisces when Mercury retrograde changes signs, slipping out of Capricorn and back into Sagittarius. Keep working hard anyway. There’s no rush.
Thu Jan 05 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Aries. Spot, or invent, a plot twist. Two hours later the Moon makes an opposition to Jupiter. If it’s not working out to your pleasure, pull back a little.
Fri Jan 06 the Moon is in Taurus when the Sun conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Heads Up. Don’t let anything sudden throw you off balance. Do solid work, and feel secure in your writers’ circle or other literary support group.
Sun Jan 08 the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury goes stationary direct. Heads Up in the best of ways. That wasn’t so bad, was it? And you got a lot of work done. Furthermore, at 2:06 pm the Moon departs from Taurus and enters Gemini. It’s a great start to a Mercurial writing/reading/networking bash that lasts into Tuesday afternoon. It’s another bright Heads Up!
Tue Jan 10 the Moon is still in Gemini when the Sun squares Uranus. Be flexible and don’t expect a recent surprise fix to solve all your problems. At 1:38 pm the Moon opposes Mercury and then goes void of course until the Moon enters Cancer at 2:49 pm. I consider this an excuse for an early tea time.
Wed Jan 11 the Moon is in Cancer all day. Resist constant snacking, although the random work break is perfectly fine.
Thu Jan 12 we have the Full Moon at 22Can. Heads Up. You know what you love to do, and where to do it, and for whom you do it. Hold those thoughts. Two and a half hours later Mercury changes signs and reenters Capricorn. If work ethic has been fading, this will revive it. (continue reading…)
Head’s Up! October Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Oct.02, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
October 2016
(all times are PDT)
October starts on a Saturday with the Moon in Libra. Weekends with the Sun in Libra can all be party time, and there’s no bigger party than the one you write. Go out and have some fun, too, okay?
Mon Oct 03 the Moon conjoins Venus in Scorpio. Polish something that you really care about. It doesn’t matter if no one else ever gets to see it.
Wed Oct 05 the Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:26 am. Dream big. Write big. Edit later.
Thu Oct 06 the Moon conjoins Saturn in Sagittarius. Just like yesterday, dream and work big, but now with a bit more control. Skip any critique and edit later.
Fri Oct 07 the Moon is still in Sagittarius when Mercury changes signs, finally leaving Virgo and entering Libra. Thoughts turn to social interactions, fairness and fun, and how to cleverly keep the peace. Now there are some big literary themes. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac June
by Kathy Watts on Jun.07, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
June 2016
(all times are PDT)
June starts on a Wednesday, Mercury’s day of the week. That can keep the little mind active! The Sun itself is in Gemini, too. Do good things with this. Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all retrograde now. By the middle of the month Neptune will be retrograde, too. Don’t be in too big a rush to do anything. Take your time. Do your best.
Wed Jun 01 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Aries. Heads Up. A frivolous little surprise is always a good excuse for a work break. Don’t let it eat the day.
Fri Jun 03 the Moon conjoins Mercury in Taurus. Work hard and be sociable. Yes, you can do both, although maybe not at the same time. At 8:01 pm the Moon leaves Taurus and enters the sign of Gemini. We have from now until Sunday evening to make the most of our mercurial inclinations and talents. Go for it. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Be safe. Heads Up. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac March 1st-12th
by Kathy Watts on Mar.04, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
March 1st – 7th times are Pacific Standard Time, PST until March 13 when PDT begins.)
March starts on a Tuesday, the day of the week for the planet Mars. Think of it as a high-energy month rather than a blustery contentious month. We have a lot of work that we care about, and nothing can slow us down once we get started.
Tue Mar 01 the Moon conjoins Saturn in Sagittarius. Be disciplined in a big way, and serious in a gentle way.
Wed Mar 02 the Moon is in Sagittarius all day. Is something ready to be submitted and sent out into the world? Do it. Network and query, too. The Moon makes a sextile with Mercury at 6:55 pm and goes void of course. This aspect has been applying all day long and can result in plenty of ideas and works in progress.
Fri Mar 04 the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Get lost in your work, if need be, and feel good about it all. That night, Mercury squares Mars. Don’t rush to judgment about anything. Let your work settle into itself before thinking about changes or editing. Destroy nothing now. You can always burn it later.
Sat Mar 05 the Moon is in Capricorn when Mercury changes signs and enters Pisces. Thoughts get bigger, more vague and emotional. Write (or read) romances today, or at least things with happy endings. Spiritual projects are probably okay, too. At 8:05 am the Moon sextiles Mars and then goes void of course until entering Aquarius seventeen minutes later at 8:22 am. This may create a stormy beginning but your opinions should rapidly calm down and let you be more objective. That evening at 6:29 pm Mars changes signs, leaving Scorpio and entering Sagittarius. It’s fine to do a few more things for someone else, especially if it furthers everyone’s artistic endeavors. And let’s not overlook the Sun making a square with Saturn at 10:04 pm. If criticism has been harsh today or authority figures have been more visible than usual, now you know why. You can work with this. (continue reading…)
Head’s Up!Astrological Almanac Jan18-31st
by Kathy Watts on Jan.18, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
January 18th-31st 2016
(times are all Pacific Standard Time, PST)
Mon Jan 18 the Moon is in Taurus all day. At 3:01 am Mars makes a trine with Neptune. There’s magic in this trine, and with Mars in Scorpio, it may not be gentle. It may be a good day to let a character’s emotions run wild, though. Heads Up.
Tue Jan 19 the Moon enters Gemini at 1:13 am. Heads Up for extra writerly and artistic self-indulgence and productivity. This will end early on Thursday, so jump right on it. It goes fast. It’s also the last day of the month that the Sun spends in Capricorn. Tomorrow the world will be bigger if not brighter, with wider perspective.
Wed Jan 20 the Moon is in Gemini when the Sun enters Aquarius at 7:27 am. Heads Up. If it’s been a work-crazed month so far, that might lighten up but the desire to work isn’t going to go away. Mercury retrograde is square Uranus at 10:26 am. This could be a Heads Up if you’re feeling mischievous.
Thu Jan 21 the Moon enters Cancer at 5:28 am. Treat yourself to a nice breakfast and keep working.
Fri Jan 22 the Moon is Cancer when at 1:59 am Mercury retrograde conjoins Pluto at 15 Cap. Alarming thoughts could try to grab hold of your imagination. Let them go. Mercury won’t be retrograde much longer and it’s moving slowly and powerfully through the sky. Heads Up. The Moon conjoins Mercury retrograde at 9:17 am. Your heart may speak more loudly than your head. The Moon then conjoins Pluto at 9:34 am. It’s an intense way to spend the morning, so maybe cut down on the coffee. By the way, the Moon is square Uranus at 11:32 am. Surprises may not be so pleasing now. It’s a sort of Heads Up day. (continue reading…)
Heads Up!Writer’s Astrological Almanac Dec13-31
by Kathy Watts on Dec.13, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
December 13th-31st 2015
all times PST
Sun Dec 13 the Moon is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Heads Up. You can get through any amount of holiday preparation craziness just be being organized and refusing to be rushed. Besides, you’re probably also thinking about your current project. It’s permitted, so long as you drive safely. It’s St. Lucy’s day. Do you know where your candles are? (continue reading…)
Heads Up! Writer’s Astrological Almanac Dec 1st-12th
by Kathy Watts on Dec.03, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
December 1st- 12th 2015
all times PST
The year is ending. Let’s finish strong! December starts on Tuesday, the day of the week ruled by Mars, so put in your best effort and use every day! We begin with a Grand Trine in Fire, involving the Moon, Mercury, and Uranus. Light your own fire and surprise yourself!
Wed Dec 02 the Moon spends almost all day in Virgo. Settle down and clean up some previous work, perhaps part of what you did yesterday. It’s already good. Make it better.
Thu Dec 03 the Moon makes a conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo. Be lucky and creative in countless small ways. This also means short words in preference to long.
Fri Dec 04 the Moon is in Libra when Venus changes signs, leave her nocturnal home of Libra and enters Scorpio. Heads Up. If you been holding back on writing those spicier love scenes, now’s the time.
Sat Dec 05 the Moon is conjunct Mars in Libra. Heads Up. Get people to cooperate by not interfering with them. Give that stubborn character a tiny nudge, step back, and watch the whole chapter unfold. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Astrological Almanac November 15-30th
by Kathy Watts on Nov.15, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Writers
by Kathy Watts
November 15-30 2015
(all times are PST)
Sun Nov 15 the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Often, a tense day, you can drown any anxieties in your work and feel good about everything in the end. If people or events get dicey, keep calm, and maybe have another cup of tea. Keep with your program. This too shall pass.
Tue Nov 17 the Moon is in Aquarius when the Sun conjoins Mercury in Scorpio. Don’t worry if your mind wanders off from time to time. Take note of its journeys and consider it research. (continue reading…)