Astrological Forecasts

Tag: grand trine in fire

Heads Up! Writer’s Astrological Almanac Dec 1st-12th

by on Dec.03, 2015, under Forecasts

pyramid building with Moon

Heads Up!

The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by Kathy Watts

December 1st- 12th  2015

all times PST

The year is ending. Let’s finish strong! December starts on Tuesday, the day of the week ruled by Mars, so put in your best effort and use every day! We begin with a Grand Trine in Fire, involving the Moon, Mercury, and Uranus. Light your own fire and surprise yourself!

Wed Dec 02 the Moon spends almost all day in Virgo. Settle down and clean up some previous work, perhaps part of what you did yesterday. It’s already good. Make it better.

Thu Dec 03 the Moon makes a conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo. Be lucky and creative in countless small ways. This also means short words in preference to long.

Fri Dec 04 the Moon is in Libra when Venus changes signs, leave her nocturnal home of Libra and enters Scorpio. Heads Up. If you been holding back on writing those spicier love scenes, now’s the time.

Sat Dec 05 the Moon is conjunct Mars in Libra. Heads Up. Get people to cooperate by not interfering with them. Give that stubborn character a tiny nudge, step back, and watch the whole chapter unfold. (continue reading…)

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