Tag: Financial
More on Madoff
by Dorothy Kovach on Jan.07, 2009, under Algol, Financial, Traditional Astrology
Friday’s child is said to be giving… perhaps Bernie thought he was?
As per request, here is my rectification of Bernard Madoff. I believe using western and eastern methods that he was born at 6:30 a.m., Bronx, NY. This gives him a 18 Taurus rising. It is interesting that 18 Taurus places his rising sign in the Lunar mansion, Barani, which is said to be an empty cup. Certainly, for those who invested with him, his cup only appeared to runneth over. Again, this is a rectification, so therefore, it is subject to change if some intrepid astro-sleuth has any friends in birth records in Albany, who can get a birth certificate, please let me know.