Rep. Ackerman on Madoff fraud
by Dorothy J. Kovach on Feb.07, 2009, under Financial, Traditional Astrology
This is not only a good video to see how ineffectual the SEC has become, but also a quick lesson on temperaments. A lot of teachers spend a lot of time, often putting all but those who live on coffee, to sleep with a lot of plus and minus signs, when all they need to is to observe the person. In the following video, we have Congressman Gary Ackerman, who represents the Bayside Queens, New York congressional district. On the surface, he exhibits classical traits the choleric temperament.
Notice the bald head. Notice the waving of Congressman Ackerman’s hands, in utter disbelief. Choleric people have fiery natures. They are idealistic in nature, tending to look for the good in others. When this sense of idealism is damaged, the choleric, will often react in anger. This is how they got the label of being ‘hot headed.’ Perhaps, it is this ‘heat’ that caused the great 17th century astrologer, William Lilly to associate baldness with the solar ruled. However, there is also an underlying phlegmatic nature, in Representative Gary Ackerman, because we notice that he is rather round in shape. When we go over his solar chart (we do not know his birth time, but according to his bio, he was born November 19, 1942, Brooklyn, N.Y.) we can clearly see that his Moon in Aries, will be a very strong influence in his temperament, but not without a good deal of phlegmatism given those 4 planets in Scorpio, which does the research, and the long hours that make him a great representative of his 5th Congressional District. May God Bless, Congressman Ackerman, for telling the officials Security and Exchange Commission where to get off.
February 9th, 2009 on 10:45 PM
LOL! Gary is really POed at the SEC! Good one, thanks for posting this Alex! That Alex sure does alot of great work on this site Dorothy.
February 20th, 2009 on 6:19 PM
Nice post
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