Washington DC Long Range Weather Forecast
by Sue Miller on Nov.10, 2015, under Forecasts, Weather
NOVEMBER 11th-30th
November 11, 2015
New Moon
Cold rain, but nothing out of the ordinary
November 15, 2015
Crescent Moon
Again, just a normal winter like day.
Clouds clear by 10:00 a.m.
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Writers Nov 8th – 14th
by Kathy Watts on Nov.08, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Writers
by Kathy Watts
November 8th-14th 2015
(all times are PST)
Sun Nov 08 the Moon is in Libra all day. Is this not a social weekend. In the morning, Venus changes signs, leaves Virgo and enters its diurnal home of Libra. Look forward to more fun doing what pleases you.
Mon Nov 09 the Moon is in Libra until entering Scorpio in the evening. Today is the day that the Sun reaches 16Sco and exits the Via Combusta. Heads Up in a good way. The Sun is still in Scorpio but a little more slack may begin to find its way into the world. It’s still appropriate to be serious about what you care about.
Tue Nov 10 the Moon is in Scorpio all day. If that’s not enough of a Heads Up all by itself, today is the day before the New Moon in Scorpio. Heads Up. Play it safe, and pour that intensity into your work.
Wed Nov 11 the Moon is in Scorpio all day. A very dark Moon conjoins Mercury in the very early morning. Your thoughts may be strongly opinionated. Go with it. Late morning, we have the New Moon at 19 Sco. Heads Up. It’s the day of the Kali Puja (or maybe it was yesterday, but the New Moon in Scorpio is special.). It’s also Veterans Day (or, perhaps you know it as Armistice Day). May there be peace on Earth, and may you find some of it in your work. (continue reading…)
Long Range Weather Forecast for Pittsburgh
by Sue Miller on Nov.06, 2015, under Forecasts, Weather
Long Range Weather Forecast for Pittsburgh & Vicinity
November 3rd – 30th
by Sue Miller
November 3rd 2015
Last Quarter Moon
Warm and Clear
(Mercury semisquare Jupiter in Radix First House)
November 7th 2015
Waning Crescent Moon Apogee
Strong Winds
(Mercury trine Neptune)
November 11th 2015
New Moon
Gusty Winds
(Venus semisquare 4th Cusp)
November 15th 2015
Crescent Moon
Cloudy but clearing by 10:00am
Long Range Weather Forecast for St. Petersburg & Tampa Bay Area
by Sue Miller on Nov.03, 2015, under Forecasts, Weather
Weather for Tampa Bay – St Petersburgh
November 3rd – 30th 2015
By Sue Miller
Last Quarter Moon Storms beginning at night then becoming hurricane intensity winds. (Neptune/Pluto square Neptune-local chart, Mars/Pluto conjunct local Ascendant, Venus/Pluto conjunct Ascendant, Mercury/Saturn also conjunct local Ascendant)
November 7, 2015 Waning Crescent Moon Apogee Heat wave before New Moon
November 11, 2015 New Moon Hurricane potential using local chart (Venus semisquare Radix Ic; Sun squares Radix Venus; Mercury/Saturn square Ic, Saturn/Uranus conjunct Ic, Neptune square Saturn Local Chart,Sun square Saturn local chart and conjunct Mc)
November16, 2015 Crescent M oon Clouds clear by 10:00 am (continue reading…)
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Writers Nov 1-7
by Kathy Watts on Nov.02, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Astrological Almanac for Writers
by Kathy Watts
November 1st -7th 2015
(all times are PST)
Happy November! If you’re not maniacally writing the first draft of a novel with NaNoWriMo, you still have a lot in you that is trying to get out. The month starts on a Sunday, the Sun’s day of the week, and we naturally want to work on what is most important to us. Why not? And, why wait?
Sun Nov 01 the Moon is in Cancer all day. We are now on Standard Time! (You may not care, but I hate daylight savings time.) Late tonight Mercury changes signs, leaving easy-going Libra and entering emotionally more demanding Scorpio. (I guess this means that Mercury is in the heart of the Fiery Road, the Via Combusta.) Heads Up. Thoughts and points of view turn serious and deep.
Mon Nov 02 the Moon is in fiery Leo when Venus and Mars form their third conjunction of the year, in the sign Virgo. Heads Up. If the world tries to punch any of your emotional buttons, dive deeper into your work. Get a lot done today, and be proud of yourself.
Wed Nov 04 the Moon is void of course in Leo for half of the day, moving into Virgo for the second half. Work hard, then settle down and work steady. It’s all good.
Fri Nov 06 the Moon conjoins Jupiter in Virgo. Feel lucky in all the little ways. Use lots of your favorite short words.
Sat Nov 07 the Moon conjoins Mars shortly after midnight as the day begins. Expect to be energized in the morning. About four hours later the Moon catches up with Venus, all in Virgo, and goes void of course. Raw ambition may soften into something with a lighter touch. Two and a half hours later, the Moon slips into Libra. Have a plan, or an outline, and include a few people in it. It’s a Heads Up day.
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac Oct 26-31st
by Kathy Watts on Oct.26, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Writers
by Kathy Watts
October 26th – 31st 2015 (all times are PDT)
Autumn is upon us!
Mon Oct 26 the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries at 3:57 am. If a dream wakes you up out of a sound sleep, write it down. About an hour and a half later, the Moon opposes Mercury and goes void of course. This could depress your sense of humor for the day. Write comedy and humor some other time.
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Oct 19-26
by Kathy Watts on Oct.19, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!The Astrological Almanac for Writers
October 19th- 26th 2015 (all times are PDT)
by Kathy Watts
Mon Oct 19 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.
Relax and do what makes sense to you. Don’t stress about anything, except perhaps a deadline and then deal with that calmly, too. (continue reading…)
Washington DC Weather Forecast Oct 17th – Nov 10th
by Sue Miller on Oct.18, 2015, under Forecasts, Weather
Photo Credit: Brandon Kopp (http://phototourismdc.com)
and vicinity
October 17th – November 10th 2015
by Sue Miller
October 17, 2015 Crescent Moon
Windy (Mercury semisquare 4th cusp)
October 20, 2015 First Quarter MoonGood weather today (Venus/Mars conjunct 4th cusp)
October 24, 2015 Waxing Gibbous Moon Perigee
Weather Forecast TAMPA ST PETE’S FL
by Sue Miller on Oct.13, 2015, under Forecasts, Weather
OCT 12 – 31 2015
October12, 2015 New Moon Apogee Hurricane potential. (continue reading…)
PITTSBURGH WEATHER October 12th -31st
by Sue Miller on Oct.12, 2015, under Forecasts, Weather