Astrological Forecasts

July Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Jul.01, 2010, under Forecasts

My Little Chicadee!!!

My Little Chicadee!!!

Are we not entering the heart of summer?  And what a summer this is going to be.  Let the Sun shine in!

July 1 starts on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) with the Moon in Pisces (traditionally ruled by Jupiter).  Look forward to a month of expansion and all things big and beautiful.  Remove the word “disappointment” from your vocabulary this month.

Sat Jul 03 the Moon opposes Saturn and goes void of course until it enters the sign of Aries.  Criticism may sting, but not for long.  The Moon then conjuncts Uranus (always bringing a fresh look at the world), then Jupiter in the sign of Aries.  Feel personally lucky.

Mon Jul 05 the Moon is in Aries when Uranus goes stationary retrograde.  This happens so often, it’s hardly worth mention, but sometimes it’s good to recall that not even the Universe does inventiveness non-stop.

Wed Jul 07 the Moon is in Taurus for all but the last hour of the day.  Dig in deep, make solid progress, and give your work strong bones.

Thu Jul 08 the Moon enters Gemini, where it stays until Saturday.  You can get a lot done by the end of this week.  In the afternoon Venus exactly opposes Uranus.  The classic approach will be more appealing.  That night, Mercury sextiles Saturn.  Think clear and unrushed thoughts.  Write them down for later.

Fri Jul 09 the Moon is in Gemini when Mercury changes signs and enters Leo.  Ideas become more daring and dramatic (always good for storytellers).  That night, Mercury trines Uranus.  The bizarre loses its power to shock, and may even become amusing.  A mild Heads Up on this.  (Isn’t the world jaded enough?)

Sat Jul 10 the Moon is void of course in Gemini when Venus changes signs and enters Virgo.  Details and accessories take on more importance.  Six minutes later, the Moon moves into its home sign of Cancer.  Your senses and gut feelings have never been so strong.  That night, the Sun sextiles Mars.  There’s energy to move mountains, or to weather the most demanding parties.  It’s also the day before the New Moon.  Heads Up.

Sun Jul 11 the Moon is in Cancer when Mercury trines Jupiter.  The little mind may spin with good thoughts.  Enjoy, and consider what might be useful material later.  Midday is the New Moon (and solar eclipse) at 19Can.  Start something close to home.  Think gardens or cook books.

Mon Jul 12 the Moon conjuncts Mercury in Leo.  Let the writing sparks fly!  The roar is supposed to be loud.

Tue Jul 13 the Moon is in Leo when Venus trines Pluto.  Take some demanding thing and transform it into something beautiful.

Wed Jul 14 the Moon enters Virgo in the morning and conjuncts Venus that night.  Indulge in a day of making all the little things shine.

Thu Jul 15 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Virgo.  Remember yesterday?  You have the energy to continue (unless you’ve run out of little things…I haven’t).

Fri Jul 16 the Moon conjuncts Saturn in the end of Virgo, and goes void of course for about half an hour.  This slow-going, precise energy is worth saving.  The Moon then enters Libra and opposes Uranus in the morning and Jupiter by midday.  Heads Up!  The morning may throw crazy people and problems your way (or, better still, into your storylines), to peak in an avalanche of nuttiness by midday, but you are prepared.  Never underestimate the entertainment value of the silly.

Wed Jul 21 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Saturn shifts signs and enters Libra.  Heads Up.  The heavy critical eye of Saturn now shifts its gaze onto people, relationships, and all things social.  Be calm and diplomatic, to a fault if need be.  Problem people and situations may be slow to reveal themselves.  Honesty and integrity are your best and most powerful weapons.  Cunning will not be your friend.

Thu Jul 22 the Moon is in Sagittarius when the Sun leaves the sign of Cancer and enters its home sign of Leo.  Have a brilliant afternoon (and coming month).  May the spotlight of publishing fall upon your work.  Be prolific and proud of your projects.  You are the only one who can bring them to life.

Fri Jul 23 the Moon is in Capricorn when Jupiter grinds to a halt and goes stationary retrograde at 03Ari.  This is a long retrograde period, lasting into November.  What mania appeared out in the open now goes underground (until September when Jupiter retros out of Aries and back into Pisces).  Three hours later the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.  The first mania to burn out may be that of the pointless workaholic.  Use your energy and creativity on grounded projects and relationships.

Sat Jul 24 the Moon is in Capricorn when Jupiter exactly squares Pluto.  Heads Up.  Go out and have a good time, but beware of ego clashes.  Keep your sense of humor in the foreground and flash that smile.  People will need to see it often.

Sun Jul 25 is the Full Moon at 03Aqu.  Engage in massive inventiveness and enjoy every surprise.  Share.

Mon Jul 26 the Moon is in Aquarius when Mercury exactly opposes Neptune.  Question the social paradigm but keep your reservations private.  An hour and a half later the Sun trines Jupiter.  People will be more agreeable than you ever expected.  Five and half hours later is the exact opposition of Saturn and Uranus.  Major Heads Up.  Without attention to social and diplomatic skills, today could be one minor landmine after another.  Stay calm and cling to that Sun-Jupiter trine.  Some people will prove to be sincere.

Tue Jul 27 the Moon is in Aquarius when Mercury changes signs and moves into Virgo.  This is good for writers, as Mercury is the nocturnal ruler of Virgo.  The small is often the embodiment of the large; so don’t shy away from little concerns or thoughts.  That night, the Moon conjuncts Neptune and goes void of course.  Let the mind slow down.  Maybe meditate on some the fur that’s been flying, or may be flying soon.  This is not a heads up, at least, not quite yet.

Wed Jul 28 the Moon is in Pisces all day.  Feelings play a huge part in all writing.  Let the emotions bubble up in your writing.  Even the most academic of papers need to be written with style.  Remember yours.

Thu Jul 29 the Moon is in Pisces when Mars changes signs and moves into Libra.  Heads Up for the next few days, here.  The Mars-Saturn conjunction is applying, and sometimes an aspect is stronger as it approaches perfection.  Pressures are mounting.  The “good news” is that Mars is weakest (though not powerless) in Libra.  Heads Up.

Fri Jul 30 the Moon is void of course in Pisces when Mercury trines Pluto.  Big changes make a lot sense but later may be hard to justify.  Three and a half hours later, Mars opposes Uranus.  Don’t spend your time debunking other people’s crackpot ideas.  Enjoy all the creativity and let ideas collapse on their own.  In the afternoon the Moon enters Aries and conjuncts Uranus.  You may have some controversial ideas of your own.  Twenty-six minutes later, the Moon opposes Mars.  Don’t let your enthusiasm fizzle.  Twenty-three minutes after that, the Moon opposes Saturn.  Nothing can rob you of your ambition to reach your goal.  Can you feel that Mars-Saturn conjunction coming on?  That evening, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter retrograde.  You feel strong enough to be good luck for others.

Sat Jul 31 the Moon is in Aries when Mars exactly conjuncts Saturn at 00Lib.  Luckily, it happens in the middle of the night for most of us, so how much trouble can we get into?  Start the day with good focus on what matters and don’t be tricked into being over deferential because you know you’re so strong.  Mars and Saturn together can feel like one foot on the gas and the other foot on the brake.  Stay centered and apply all that Mars power constructively to what work you take most seriously.  Great good can come from this aspect, and of the two planets, Saturn is the stronger.  Go for the long-term rather than the flash in the pan.  Heads Up in a magnificent way.

This has not been an easy month.  We start in one world, and conclude in another.  We have at our disposal all the energy, glory, and nobility of the Sun in its home sign by the end of it.  Persevere and have faith in yourself.  Great forces are stirring in the heavens and on the earth.  You are one of those forces.

In a cosmic nutshell, we have Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in early Aries.  The lightning bolt brilliance of the individual is ready to go!  Opposing that is Mars and Saturn conjunct in early Libra.  Society (although made up of individuals) simply can’t move that fast, but it has great motivation towards progress.  Square to all this is Pluto in early Capricorn, saying that no quantity of work may be enough.  This all makes a T-square, pointing to, yes, the early part of Cancer.  Whatever is dreamed, attempted, manifested, achieved now will have great impact on the root of all things, on our homes, our hearts.  What we say and do now will have clear and direct-line results.  So say and do everything with great care and compassion

This is no time to be shy.  Write your heart, and your here and now.  No one else can.  Only you.  Each one of us.  We speak for ourselves.  We are also the voice for those who cannot speak.  Be like the Sun, and shine with commitment.  Heads Up!

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