Heads Up! The Writer’s May Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on May.03, 2019, under Forecasts

Birth of Venus by Botticelli
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The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
May 2019
(all times are PDT)
The world may seem crazy but what else is new? We can see and feel what’s real. The merry of month of May isn’t called merry out of any perversity. Soak up the merriment and pour it into what makes you happiest. Be grateful and glad, and plough ahead.
Wed May 01 the Moon enters Aries at 3:24 am. This can be a high energy month if you’re willing to put in the work. The Moon conjoins Chiron shortly before noon, otherwise it’s a straightforward, strong day. Do your work. It’s Beltane. Celebrate what you love.
Thu May 02 the Moon in Aries conjoins Venus at 7:39 am. Find something beautiful in your own efforts that you may have overlooked. Mercury squares Pluto at 2:51 pm. Heads Up. Don’t get knocked off balance by anything. The Moon squares Saturn at 7:17 pm. There’s no need to get hyper self-critical, either. You’re doing what you can. At 8:59 pm Mercury trines Jupiter. If you’re compelled to reward yourself a little bit, it’s understandable. (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all retrograde, by the way.)
Fri May 03 the Moon conjoins Mercury in Aries at 1:47 am and then goes void of course. A dream may hold a clever idea or plot twist. The Moon doesn’t enter Taurus until 1:18 pm. It could be start of a very fun weekend. Later, the Moon conjoins Uranus at 7:15 pm. Heads Up for a last minute change of plans, venue, or cast of characters. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Heads Up in all the ways that keep you safe and sound.
Sat May 04 we have the New Moon at 3:45 pm at 14 Tau. Heads up for a chance to have a month of great productivity and beautiful efforts. Linger rather than rush through it all.
Sun May 05 the Moon is void of course in Taurus when Mars opposes Jupiter retro. Heads Up. Maybe focus a bit more on your own needs. This includes your own schedule. You don’t have to give away everything all the time. At 8:40 pm, the Moon leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. Heads Up in the best of ways. Step out, step up, speak out, and listen. We have from now until 2 am Wednesday to be our best mercurial selves.
Mon May 06 the Moon is in Gemini when Mercury changes signs, leaves hot shot Aries and moves into determined Taurus. Heads Up. Thoughts may be less rapid-fire but more studied and appreciated. Ramadan begins today. Today is also the astrological Beltane, when the Sun reaches 15 Tau. Celebrate all over again.
Tue May 07 the Moon in Gemini conjoins Mars at 4:50 pm and goes void of course. Make your strongest effort earlier in the day before this conjunction is perfected. Let someone else be demanding or forceful. Do your own thing.
Wed May 08 the Moon leaves Gemini and enters Cancer at 2:06 am. If you haven’t gone to bed yet, consider it. At 7:23 am Mercury conjoins Uranus. No idea will sound too strange. Heads Up. At 7:52 pm the Sun sextiles Neptune. A hidden aspiration could find the light.
Sat May 11 the Moon is in Leo when the Sun trines Saturn retro. You have more authority, especially over your own work, than you realize. Own it.
Mon May 13 the Moon is in Virgo when the Sun trines Pluto retro. An off the wall inconvenience could turn out to be exactly what you need to solve some difficulty.
Wed May 15 the Moon is in Libra all day. At 2:46 am Venus changes signs, leaves Aries and moves into her diurnal home sign Taurus. Heads Up in all the sweet, sensual ways that you usually ignore or belittle. At 8:09 pm Mars changes signs, leaving Gemini and moving into Cancer. Heads Up. You can really zone in on emotional issues and tap into your own instincts and intuitions. What writer or artist doesn’t need all this?
Thu May 16 the Moon is in Scorpio when Mercury trines Saturn retro. Heads Up. Tackle a basic problem that has maybe been intimidating until now.
Fri May 17 the Moon is still in Scorpio when Mercury trines Pluto retro at 10:48 pm. Let someone or something surprise you, like, really surprise you. Be amazed before bedtime.
Sat May 18 the Moon is in still in Scorpio when Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus at 9:17 am. Get a fresh perspective on what you think is pleasing and satisfying. Heads up. At 2:11 pm the Moon becomes Full at 27 Sco and then goes void of course. Heads Up. The Full Moon in Scorpio marks the holiday Wesak, Buddha’s birthday. Pour some sweet tea and flower petals on your head and know that all you’ll ever need is right there inside you.
Mon May 20 the Moon in Sagittarius conjoins Jupiter retro and then goes void of course. It’s also the last day that the Sun spends in glamorous Taurus. Tomorrow the world may seem faster, sharper, and more restless. Heads Up.
Tue May 21 the Moon enters Capricorn at 12:56 am. Three minutes later, the Sun changes signs, leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. Heads Up. With all this Earth and Air energy, who knows what you can accomplish this month? Go for it. At 3:52 am Mercury leaves Taurus and enters its diurnal home sign of Gemini. Heads Up. There’s nothing holding you back now. At 6:07 am the Sun conjoins Mercury in Gemini. Kaboom in a good way! And it won’t involve any heavy thinking. Heads Up.
Wed May 22 the Moon conjoins Saturn in Capricorn at 3:23 pm. It’s not as serious as you might imagine. At 8:58 pm the Moon conjoins Pluto and then goes void of course. This might feel a bit more grim, but don’t dwell on it. The Moon moves fast. (Saturn and Pluto are both retrograde.)
Mon May 27 the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Unwind, relax, and maybe let your fantasies run a bit more wild than usual. It’s Memorial Day in the US, and summer unofficially begins.
Wed May 29 the Moon is in Aries all day long. At 6:22 pm Mercury squares Neptune. People are good at misleading and confusing one another. Characters do it all the time. What are your characters doing? We have had a month of the Moon mostly in cardinal signs.
Thu May 30 the Moon is void of course in Aries when Mercury opposes Jupiter retro at 8:12 pm. If you went a little overboard today, you can backtrack tomorrow. At 9:43 pm the Moon enters Taurus. This can slow you down, too. Sometimes a slower pace is a good thing.
Fri May 31 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Taurus at 6:26 am. Start the day, and end the month, on a lively high note.
All those outer planet retrogrades aren’t going to be a problem unless you’re looking for an excuse or trying to get out of doing what you know you should. Be honest with yourself, respect your own work, and keep chipping away day by day at whatever big ambitious thing you have going.
Why get discouraged now? There’s no reason. You get to decide what the value of what you do. And don’t forget to make it fun for yourself. Seriously.
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