Heads Up! The Writer’s March Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Mar.04, 2019, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
March 2019
(times are PST until 2:00am March 10 when PDT begins)
March starts on a Friday, the day of the week dedicated to Venus. Thank you, February, for having 28 days and letting us have two months in a row that start on a Friday. Enjoy the gentle touch of Venus and carry it with you throughout the month. Put away the big guns you used and go back to more subtle if not gentle means. Be happy.
Fri Mar 01 the Moon spends the day in Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius today. Heads Up. Even beauty and popularity can have an edge. The Moon conjoins Saturn at 10:23 am. Be serious and responsible. but don’t overdo it. The Moon conjoins Pluto at 7:49 pm. Cool it.
Sat Mar 02 the Moon conjoins Venus at 2:03 pm. If socializing dominates the weekend, you can write about it later. Take mental notes.
Sun Mar 03 the Moon moves into Aquarius at 5:03 am. Decide to let this morning not be stressful. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Heads Up in all ways that matter. Keep safe.
Mon Mar 04 the Moon is in Aquarius all day. Mercury is slow and strong now, preparing to go stationary retrograde tomorrow. Heads up. Don’t freak. Just get slower and stronger yourself. You could do some deep powerful work today if you keep your act together. Prepare, organize your thoughts and your stuff. Do you know where your phone, keys, wallet, and glasses are? Do you need to write down any new passwords? Heads Up.
Tue Mar 05 the Moon enters Pisces at 12:11 am. Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 10:19 am. This happens at 29 Pis. Heads Up! This is the first Mercury retrograde of the year, and it lasts almost all month. Go slow, go deep, and don’t misplace your favorite coffee mug. You got this. On the other hand, today is also the day before the New Moon in Pisces. Can things get any more spacy? Well, yes they can. Heads Up. At least today is Mardi Gras. Crank up the music and let the good times roll.
Wed Mar 06 the Moon is in Pisces when Uranus finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus at 12:26 am. Heads Up. Material concerns could get more erratic. Wild and exciting ideas and acts could take on a more stubborn tone. The New Moon at 15 Pis happens at 8:04 am. Heads Up for a lunar month of deep, personal work efforts. Don’t get scattered, distracted, or lazy. The Moon conjoins Neptune at 8:47 am. Go for inspiration rather than concrete achievement. Your word count alone won’t reflect the work you do. At 5:00 pm the Sun conjoins Neptune. Horizons and imaginations don’t get any bigger, or more vague, than this. Meditate, write or read poetry, go for the art. Today is Ash Wednesday, and Lent begins. What sacrifices are you willing to make for your work, which in many ways is your life?
Thu Mar 07 the Moon conjoins Mercury retro at 11:08 am and then goes void of course until entering Aries at 12:27pm. If emotions are raging, you can set them to simmer now. The Moon will conjoin Chiron at 2:24 pm, if you’re interested.
Sat Mar 9 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Taurus at 11:31 pm. Heads Up. Be open to a surprising give and take situation. Maybe this has plot implications.
Mon Mar 11 the Moon conjoins Mars in Taurus at 8:27 am. You may not be able to do as much as quickly as you would like. Hammer away if you like, but don’t get frustrated.
Tue Mar 12 the Moon enters Gemini at 8:48 am. Heads Up for some quality creative, curious, and communicative times from now until Thursday afternoon. Don’t let the Mercury retrograde set you back. Full steam ahead.
Wed Mar 13 the Moon is in Gemini all day. Argue with that. See how much you can get done.
Thu Mar 14 the Moon is in Gemini when Mars trines Saturn at 3:02 am. Work as slowly and carefully as you please, and be razor-sharp focused. You may not do a lot but what you do may need little revision. At 2:49 pm the Moon enters Cancer. Is it time for a midday tea break? Always. At 6:48 pm the Moon is in Cancer when the Sun conjoins Mercury retrograde in Pisces. Heads Up for maybe an extra jolt of intuition and inspiration. Let the logic of it all come later.
Tue Mar 19 may seem quiet with the Moon opposing Neptune at 9:13 pm. However, this is the last day that the Sun spends in moody, melodical Pisces. Tomorrow it may seem like a fire has been lit under the world. Buckle up and wear your helmet. Heads Up. With tomorrow’s impending Mars-Pluto trine, don’t get too carried away with yourself.
Wed Mar 20 the Moon is in Virgo when Mars trines Pluto at 4:41 am. Don’t wake up angry. Maybe also avoid any unnecessary aggression or self-promotion. You’re putting yourself out there just fine as is. At 2:58 pm the Sun changes signs, leaves Pisces and enters fiery Aries. It’s the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, and the first day of autumn in the southern. Regardless, all over the world there are 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. For a peek at how the next three months may unfold, cast an ingress chart for yourself. At 6:28 pm the Moon enters Libra and we have the Full Moon at 6:43 pm at 00 Lib 09. Heads Up. Have a fresh cup of tea (or coffee), breathe deep, and relax for a moment. Enjoy the celestial balance. Not even a Mercury retrograde can take this away from you. Heads Up.
Sun Mar 24 the Moon is in Scorpio when Mercury retro conjoins Neptune. Heads Up. Don’t expect flawless logic or error-free decision-making. Offer more slack even if you’re not given any. Maybe a character in your current project can use this.
Tue Mar 26 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Venus changes signs, leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces at 12:43 pm. Heads Up. The music of the spheres may get louder or clearer. Poets, take note. The Moon conjoins Jupiter at 7:37 pm. Heads Up. Feel luckier, bolder, and more generous with yourself. Now get to work.
Wed Mar 27 the Moon enters Capricorn at 7:07 am, giving us a boost to accomplish more today. Don’t feel pressured. Just do what you do. Today is also the last day that Mercury is retrograde. Don’t celebrate just yet. Keep your head under the hood and stay organized. Heads Up.
Thu Mar 28 the Moon is in Capricorn when Mercury goes stationary direct at 6:59 am. You won’t instantly be deluged in returned texts, emails, and phone calls, but it will happen. And yes, you will find that misplaced notebook. At 10:00 pm the Moon conjoins Saturn. Go ahead and feel accomplished and grown up this evening. You are.
Fri Mar 29 the Moon conjoins Pluto at 4:35 am. Heads Up. If you wake up a bit unsettled, it will pass.
Sat Mar 30 the Moon is in Aquarius when Mars changes signs, leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. Motivation may very well go into overdrive. Run with it.
It’s an uneven month, with some astrologically packed days and some stretches when it seems that nothing much is going on overhead. That’s an illusion. Each day is infused with tension and power. Don’t be shy about using any and all of it. When we come out of the month, we’re in Aries and there is nothing shy about Aries. Feel strong, settled, and comfortable in your own skin and your own head. Your work is yours to do. No one can tell you what or how to do. Grab your projects by the horns and don’t let go. Heads Up