Astrological Forecasts

Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac June 2011

by on Jun.01, 2011, under Forecasts

California Sea Lion Rookery The Sea Ranch, California

June 2011

The month of June starts off with a big bang — a New Moon and solar eclipse at 11Gemini. It is Wednesday, Mercury’s day of the week (the writer’s day of the week) but I suggest keeping a low profile until after the solar eclipse. My affirmation is, “May this eclipse portend lots of your work getting out into the world.” In which case, do your best, because once out in the world, your words cannot be summoned back. Make this a Heads Up in a good way.

Thu June 2 the Moon is already in Gemini when Mercury itself changes signs and enters its home sign Gemini. Yesterday, a lot of thought was going into material acquisition, its maintenance and enjoyment. Today, mental activity will broaden. Indulge all those great writerly concerns, including networking and outreach. Here’s the Heads Up part — don’t get so engrossed with the mental stuff that you come ungrounded and lose your grasp on physical reality. Otherwise, Mercury in Gemini! Enjoy!

Fri June 3 the Moon is in late Gemini when Mercury makes a square to Neptune. Question inspiration, but only up to a point. Later in the morning, the Moon (now in Cancer) squares Uranus. The outside world may look more odd that it is. In the afternoon, the Moon opposes Pluto. There may be some desire to resist change. That evening, the Moon squares Saturn. The authority of others sometimes slows things down. This is your basic Heads Up day, in a modest sort of way. Don’t be annoyed by any of it. As surely as the Moon moves on, this too shall pass.

Sat June 4 the Moon is in Cancer when Jupiter changes signs and enters Taurus. Write that massive banquet scene. While Jupiter is in Taurus (for, like, a year), Heads Up to keep control of those eating and spending habits.

Tue June 7 the Moon is in Virgo when Mercury trines Saturn. This can be constructive criticism at its best. It also makes for friendly editing time. Perhaps it’s time to embrace that long lingering offer to collaborate on some project. At least talk about it. Cool heads will prevail.

Wed June 8 the Moon is in Virgo all day. We basically have a month of the Moon in the mutable signs (except for next week when the Moon scoots into Capricorn for a few hours before the day ends). Work on the small stuff, and the big stuff will find its proper place in your schedule.

Thu June 9 the Moon is void of course in Virgo when Venus changes signs and enters Gemini. Work takes on a more gracious and lovely appearance.

Wed June 15 is the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 24Sag. Heads Up. Be open to some big shifts in personal perspective. As with all full moons, ask the universe for something…this time, perhaps, for big spirit to persist in some big work that benefits many people. Yes, I’m still talking about writing. Another Heads Up — this is the last day for Mercury to be in Gemini. If the words want to gush out, let them! Tomorrow the faucet may be happy to drip.

Thu June 16 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Carve out a few minutes to work obsessively. An hour and a half later, Mercury rushes ahead to change signs again and enter Cancer. Thoughts change to subjects more near and dear to heart and hearth. A touch of shyness and reticence may arise, too. Minor Heads Up.

Fri June 17 the Moon is still in Capricorn when Mercury sextiles Jupiter. The world may gently coax you into doing and saying more than you feel ready to do or say. Be brave and gracious about it.

Sat June 18 the Moon is in Aquarius when Mercury squares Uranus. It might be a day to stay home just because it’s less weird than going out.

Sun June 19 the Moon is still in Aquarius when Mercury opposes Pluto. Change is rarely an attractive, sensible thing at the time. Give new ideas a second chance before rejecting them. This applies to plot construction, character motivation, and to action sequences.

Mon June 20 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Use your words to construct some beautiful dreamy music. Paranormal romance, anyone? Four and a half hours later, Mars changes signs and enters Gemini. Get ready to act on some of those wild new ideas from the last few weeks. It’s the last day that the Sun spends in Gemini. Tomorrow the world will be radically different. Heads Up.

Tue June 21 the Moon is in Pisces when the Sun changes signs and enters Cancer. Heads Up. This has the markings of an emotional, overprotective, territorial month. Be calm, and act it out in your writing. Half an hour later, Mercury squares Saturn. Heads Up. Give your work all the time it needs and don’t be rushed by anything. Just before midnight, Mars squares Neptune. Heads Up. This could be the magician in an argument with himself. High fantasy novel, anyone? Astronomically, it’s the day of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. Cast an ingress chart for yourself to get a peek at what the next three months hold.

Wed June 22 the Moon is void of course in Pisces all day. Is this not a good time to hole up and write what the world will never never get to see? And it will feel so good! Play your favorite music, and drink tea.

Thu June 23 the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries. Radical behavior for individual gains can bring a big leap forward, but can also cause no end of trouble. Consider this in terms of character and plot complication.

Sat June 25 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus. Think good luck in material terms. Since this is Taurus, remember to add a lot of patience and stubbornness.

Sun June 26 the Moon is in Taurus when the Sun squares Uranus. This reeks of ‘does art have to be beautiful?’ The Moon may say yes, but the Sun may have a broader perspective.

Mon June 27 the Moon is void of course in Taurus when the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto may demand workaholicism, but the Sun and Moon know better.

Tue June 28 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Gemini. Heads Up. Work with a go-for-broke spirit. It’s only one day. Or, blow the day in heady discussions with writer friends. We all have problems that we want to talk through.

Wed June 29 the Moon is in Gemini all day. There are no exact aspects today. Work away in serenity and peace. Drink more tea.

Thu June 30 the Moon conjuncts Venus in Gemini, then goes void of course. It’s not a bad way to end the month. Form may follow function, even in writing. There may even be times when form dictates function. Remember Jupiter in Taurus and be persistent.

It’s a month rich in writing and artistic possibilities and energies. Soak up the sunshine and let it happen. There is no better place than here, and no better time than now.

Last month, I had the extraordinary opportunity to go to Florida and see the launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour. For days, on NASA TV, I watched live video from the International Space Station and marveled at the clouds. It reminded me of being in college, in the early 1970’s, and marveling at books with photographs from the Landsat satellite. Now I was seeing the same sort of thing on the television in my living room. Then, more marvelous, I looked out the window at the magnificent cloud formations of the sunset in progress.

Indeed, we are all of us in space, like the astronauts. Our vehicle is just bigger, that’s all. The sky above extends infinitely and does not discriminate between the space vehicles and the planetary vehicle on which we all fly. The planets and stars don’t care if we’re in a small boat or a big boat. We’re all in this together. And it’s beautiful! Hang on to that sense of the marvelous, and write! Heads Up!

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