Heads Up! June Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Jun.05, 2017, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
June 2017
All times are PDT.
It’s June! The Sun is still in Gemini, moving north in the sky but not for long. Summer is coming (in the northern hemisphere, anyway). Get ready for the hot times ahead.
Thu June 01 the Moon is in Virgo all day. The Venus-Saturn trine in Fire signs should spice up whatever plans you think you have. Work slowly if you must, but keep at it.
Sat June 03 the Moon is in Libra when the Sun is trine Jupiter at 9:12 am. Later at 6:44 pm the Moon is conjoined Jupiter. Heads up. This could potentially be a very lucky and agreeable day and night. Pleasant artistic conversations are available to everyone.
Sun June 04 the Moon is in Libra when Mars changes signs, to leave Gemini and enter Cancer. Heads Up. Mars is out of bounds now, and sparks could fly. Write those conflict scenes and do it fast.
Tue June 06 the Moon is in Scorpio when Venus changes signs, departing Aries and entering her home sign Taurus. Heads Up, especially for romance and food writers.
Wed June 07 the Moon enters Sagittarius at 3:59 pm. If the morning and early afternoon are intense, the rest of the day could brighten. It may be less productive but a good time to network, though.
Fri June 09 is the Full Moon at 18 Sag, happening at 6:10 am. Heads Up. Feel big, create big, and produce big throughout the coming lunar month. At 7:03 am Jupiter stations at 13 Lib and begins to go direct. Heads Up. This is a celestial tide to raise all boats. Stay calm and don’t get too exuberant too quickly. Write more. At 6:19 pm the Moon conjoins Saturn in Sagittarius. This can slow the pace and let you be productive in the evening. Preparing for tomorrow counts as being productive.
Sun June 11 the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Don’t be afraid to get serious about what matters to you. Don’t get belligerent, though, if you can help it.
Tue June 13 the Moon is in Aquarius all day. It’s easy to keep a level head. At 8:45 am, Mercury makes a trine with Jupiter. Think up all sorts of things in the morning. At 8:29 pm Mercury makes a square with Neptune. It may be hard to decide which ideas worked the least well. At 8:56 pm the Moon is trine Mercury. The day may have its ups and downs, but that sounds like a happy ending to me.
Wed June 14 the Moon is in Aquarius all day. Address a bigger audience and maybe tackle a bigger project.
Thu June 15 the Moon is in Pisces when the Sun makes an opposition to Saturn. Heads Up. Don’t let emotions be the deciding factor in a power struggle. Now there’s plot material for you.
Fri June 16 the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. If you can dream it, it’s possible that you’re not the only one. Heck, someone may have already done it. Pay attention and take notes.
Sun June 18 the Moon is in Aries when Mercury makes an opposition to Saturn. Heads Up. You never have patience when you need it the most. You can still get a lot accomplished. Hang in there.
Mon June 19 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Aries. Surprises are plentiful. Your characters are probably full of them. This is also the last day of the year that the Sun is in effervescent playful Gemini. Tomorrow the world may seem a bit slower, withdrawn, and cautious. Heads Up.
Tue June 20 the Moon conjoins Venus in Taurus at 3:4 pm. Good manners and well-chosen words can give you an advantage. At 9:24 pm the Sun changes signs, leaving curious Gemini and entering more traditional-minded Cancer. Heads Up. From now until late July, the Sun is a guest in the Moon’s house. Emotions and matters may mean more now than before. Attention, writers of historical fiction and poetry. You could also cast an ingress chart for a peek at what the next three months will be like, if you want to know, that is.
Wed June 21 the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury changes signs, leaving its home sign Gemini and entering Cancer. Heads Up. Thoughts take a more traditional and maybe domestic turn. At 7:14 am the Sun conjoins Mercury in very early Cancer. Heads Up. If you can’t think straight, you can still sense what’s in the air. At 3:44 pm, the Moon enters Gemini. Heads Up for a powerful few days of mercurial, creative energy, regardless of Mercury’s recent departure. We have from now until Friday afternoon to express our communicative urges of all sorts. Play nice.
Thu June 22 the Moon is in Gemini all day. Use every moment. Also, this the day before the New Moon, and that’s an automatic Heads Up. Be safe, whatever you do and wherever you are.
Fri June 23 the Moon leaves Gemini and enters Cancer at 3:07 pm. That’s close enough to teatime for me. At 7:31 pm is the New Moon at 02 Can. Heads Up to improve domestic and emotional conditions of all sorts. Do you need a new coffee mug to keep you at your desk? Well, there you are.
Sat June 24 the Moon conjoins Mercury in Cancer at 1:13 am. If a dream wakes you up, write it down. Or maybe you’re still awake. The Moon conjoins Mars in Cancer at 12:09 pm. Tempers may rise but you can channel that into your writing. At 11:07 pm Mars makes a square with Jupiter. Don’t go to bed angry.
Sun June 25 the Moon is in Leo when Mars makes a trine with Neptune. No matter how the weekend has gone (or hasn’t), you could have a magical insight to kick start the coming writing week.
Tue June 27 the Moon is in Leo when Mercury makes a square with Jupiter at 11:21 am. No one likes to be told no, especially when you’re telling yourself. Later, at 5:22 pm Mercury makes a trine with Neptune. This is only nineteen minutes before the Moon moves from Leo into Virgo. Heads Up. Hopes and wishes could bloom all out of proportion to what’s possible.
Wed June 28 the Moon is in Virgo all day. Get some work done. This may be hard, because at 12:50 pm Mercury conjoins Mars in Cancer. Heads Up. Hide those snacks, avoid bickering with relatives, and stay strapped in the writing chair.
Thu June 29 the Moon is still in Virgo all day. Keep working, if only on the details. At 5:36 pm Mercury opposes Pluto. Heads Up. A sudden comment or perception can change the whole landscape.
Mercury and Mars rock this month, but that can be a very good thing. Don’t hold yourself back while doing the first drafts. Brainstorm only with trusted friends. Stay fired up. Make this one of the most productive months so far this year. The more you’ve done, the more you know how to do, and the more you can do. I’m not arguing with that. This may not be the most polished of months but you need something to polish in the first place, right? Heads Up!