Astrological Forecasts

Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac June 2010

by on Jun.03, 2010, under Financial

Water Lillies 

June is always a heady, high energy month. The first three weeks of it, the Sun is in Gemini. If only we could find some way to channel that into more writing! This month especially, Mercury is involved in a lot of high power aspects, so sharpen those pencils, and back up those disks and hard drives, and make room in your notebooks and address books. Remember, too that Uranus is now in the very beginning of Aries. Expect the unexpected! Take good care of your car.

Let me say off the bat HEADS UP FOR JUNE 4-12. There’s a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction
in our immediate future, and Mars conjuncts the royal fixed star Regulus. In fact,
let’s rate a moderate HEADS UP from now till early August, till the Mars-Saturn
conjunction is over. Till then, Summer is a’comin’ in. Let’s go!

Tues Jun 01 has the Moon in Aquarius. This sets the tone for a month of fresh,
maybe unexpected ideas, people, and situations. Contribute and do something good
with it.

Wed Jun 02, the Moon is still in Aquarius. This month, the first two Wednesdays
will have the Moon in fixed signs. Then, things switch around and the Moon will be
in mutable signs. On this Wednesday, remember that even if you don’t feel very
revolutionary, sometimes writers do change the world.

Thu Jun 03 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius. Cherish your dreams and
aspirations, and be happy that this is not happening tomorrow, when Mars exactly
opposes Neptune. At least the Moon is checking in on the side of visionary Neptune
and not belligerent Mars. The Moon then moves on to enter the sign of Pisces.
Dreams take on a deeper, more personal power. Be inspired.

Fri Jun 04 the Moon is in Pisces when Mars opposes Neptune. This may be one of
those days when it seems like none of the old magic is working. Heads Up, but don’t
be discouraged. It only frees up time and space for future new magic.

Sat Jun 05 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in the last degree of Pisces. This might be
intensely lucky for you, or it may be intensely lucky on some universal scale that
has nothing to do with any of us personally. One minute later the Moon moves into
Aries, taking all that luck with it into some new cosmic cycle. Twenty-nine minutes
later, the Moon conjuncts Uranus. Something new is beginning, with or without us.
Just before day’s end, Jupiter moves on and enters the sign of Aries. Heads Up for
tomorrow, and for the coming week. Be open, if not eager for changes, but don’t go
manic with it. Stay cool and centered in your enthusiasm. The real Heads Up,
though, is because today and tomorrow Mars conjuncts the royal fixed star Regulus.
The constellation of Leo the Lion is not exactly a pretty sight right now,
astrologically speaking, with Mars near Regulus, the heart of the Lion, and Saturn
near Denebola, the Lion’s tail. Luckily, Mars moves quickly and by the start of
August, the Mars-Saturn conjunction at 0Lib will be over and Mars will rush ahead.
I say, until Aug 1, Heads Up on this one; be calm, agreeable, and generally try to
be safe and stay out of trouble. (Big order for writers, I know)

Sun Jun 06 the Moon is in Aries when Mars changes signs and enters Virgo. There’s
suddenly extra energy for getting the details right. (That doesn’t mean you have to
fight to the death over every comma.)

Tue Jun 08 the Moon is in the last degrees of Aries when Jupiter exactly conjuncts
Uranus. You may experience a wealth of wild and crazy ideas. Take notes; act
later, and with extreme prejudice. Later, the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury trines
Saturn. The mind slows down a bit and it’s easier to give things proper attention.
This is a total Heads Up day.

Wed Jun 09 the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury squares Neptune. It’s easy to
criticize something that’s not fully formed, and it’s rarely helpful. Late in the
evening, Mercury changes signs and moves into its homesign Gemini. An extra
writer’s Heads Up on this one. Give your work more priority.

Thu Jun 10 the Moon enters the sign of Gemini. (Enjoy this into Saturday.) As an
extra bonus, the Moon conjuncts Mercury in the afternoon. Even if your phone is
ringing off the hook (now there’s an anachronism!), you can still demand your
writing time.

Fri Jun 11 the Moon is in Gemini when Mercury squares Mars. Heads Up. The universe
does not need any more anger or arguments right now. Also it’s the day before the
New Moon. More Heads Up. Think defense. (This is not being wimpy, since we all
know what the best offense is.)

Sat Jun 12 is the New Moon at 02Gem. Start something brilliant and sharp, and be
prepared for the month to go fast.

Mon Jun 14 the Moon is in the end of Cancer when Venus changes signs and moves into
Leo. Write for that larger audience, and do it with heart. In the evening, the
Moon also enters Leo, and conjuncts Venus. Sometimes beauty deserves to be proud.
Heads Up in a good way.

Wed Jun 16 the Moon is void of course in Leo most of the day but moves into Virgo
that night. Spend the day figuring out how to tie up loose ends and how to finish
what is almost done.

Thu Jun 17 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Virgo.  Clean you office.  While you’re at it, clean your car.  Clients and other visitors will be impressed.

Fri Jun 18 the Moon conjuncts Saturn in Virgo.  Settle into your nice clean organized workspace, feel virtuous, and then be productive.  Start with the little stuff on your list, and work up.

Sat Jun 19 the Moon is in Libra when the Sun squares Saturn.  Heads Up.  If you must challenge authority, do it diplomatically.  It might even work.  That night, the Sun trines Neptune.  Regardless of how the day has gone, you can find things to feel good about that are worth taking into the future.

Sun Jun 20 is, along with being Father’s Day, the last day the Sun is in Gemini.  Heads Up.  We always knew that this month would go fast.  Celebrate with a last-minute writing bash, or maybe just go to a party.  Summer is a’comin’ in and it is party season, have you noticed?

Mon Jun 21 the Moon in the final degrees of Libra when the Sun moves into Cancer (the Moon’s sign).  Prepare for a harmonious and home-centered month to come.

Wed Jun 23 the Moon is in Scorpio when the Sun squares Jupiter.  Heads Up.  Over-enthusiasm sometimes just chases people away.  There’s a time and place for intensity.  Choose well.  Midday, the Moon moves into expansive Sagittarius.  More Heads Up.  If you haven’t gotten things under control by now, give up, go for broke, and resolve to make good afterwards.  Of course, today may be the day to see something get published and paid for.  You never know.

Thu Jun 24 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Mercury first squares Saturn, then trines Neptune.  Heads Up twice.  Your doubts and second thoughts may later make the right person smile on you and your work.  Doom’n’gloom is contagious, but you do not have to catch it.

Fri Jun 25 the Moon is still in Sagittarius when Mercury changes signs and moves into Cancer.  Now that really went fast.  Expect attention to shift from the social and mental to the private and emotional.  Six hours later, Mercury squares Uranus.  Heads Up.  This aspect sometimes brings the downfall of many a beloved crackpot idea.  Midday, the Sun exactly opposes Pluto.  A final Heads Up (which carries over into tomorrow).  Fears and paranoia are usually imaginary, exaggerated, and short-lived.  Don’t get bent out of shape without solid cause.  Heads Up.

Sat Jun 26 is a major Heads Up.  The Moon conjuncts Pluto, then becomes the Full Moon at 04Cap.  That’s a full moon with a lot of Pluto energy, with the emotional Moon weighing in on the side of Pluto (in no-nonsense, no-frills Capricorn).  Stay calm and strong, and remember that the opposing Sun is strong and bright.  You can see through to the truth of whatever may come up, and the truth might just be that there’s nothing threatening going on.  Now, a bonus Heads Up.  An hour later, Mercury squares Jupiter.  You can see through the glamour and over-enthusiasm of others, but it may not be wise.  Did I say ‘Heads Up?’  And, since this is a Full Moon, after all, I say, use it.  Work with this crazy energy for honesty, fairness, and truth.  I know, I know, these themes only win out in fiction….

Sun Jun 27 the Moon is still in Capricorn when Mercury opposes Pluto.  Heads Up.  Mercury just will not stay out of the mix.  Your analysis can be perfect and your results correct, but you may lack the power to do anything about anything.  Be realistic as well as smart.  (This is also good advice for a suffering protagonist in a nasty plot snarl).

Mon Jun 28 the Sun conjuncts Mercury less than an hour before the Moon moves into Aquarius.  The material world may seem designed to drive you crazy, but this too shall pass.  Enjoy the breath of fresh air that follows.

Wed Jun 30 the Moon conjuncts Neptune, then moves into Pisces.  We can take into the next month all the dreams and inspirations that we can carry.  Be happy.

June is a month full of massive challenges, but also massive opportunities.  Be calm, stalwart in your efforts; keep faith in your own vision, yes, all these aphorisms apply to June.  Take them literally and remember to smile.  It’s a month to pursue the glorious happy ending in fiction, and the realistic, perhaps small serial happy endings in daily life.  The splendid and majestic sunset of a June evening qualifies as just such a happy ending.  Don’t miss out on a single one.  Take each day, and each night, in hand, and make it your own.  Share it with the world, throughout time and space.  It’s what writers do.  Heads Up!!

3 comments for this entry:
  1. Karen White

    Hi Dorothy,

    I really liked the tone and the sense of humor displayed in this post. It was fun and I’d like to read more like it!


  2. Astrology4Horoscopes

    hi kathy,
    enjoy your posts and the photos.
    hope everyone is settling into the new blog and ironing out the inevitable kinks.

    missed your summer solstice reading.


  3. kathy watts

    Thank you, Karen, for your kind comment. Without a sense of humor, I am truly toast.

    And thank you, June. The photos are Dorothy’s. Aren’t they great? Makes me homesick for that part of the world.

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