Astrological Forecasts

Head’s Up! February Astrological Almanac

by on Feb.02, 2014, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

 gung hay fat choy!Gung Hay Fat Choy!Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

Head’s Up! 

Welcome to February! It’s Saturday and the Moon is making a conjunction with Neptune. It can be a dream month with fantastic elements, but not totally ungrounded. Saturday is also the day of the week for Saturn, so we don’t need to shamelessly float off into the ether for the next twenty-eight days. Respect and record your dreams and desires, but act sensibly in the real world. Make it a constructive and inspired month. Venus is no longer retrograde, but Mercury will be soon. Use these next few days wisely. A bit rare, perhaps, but only one planet (not counting the Sun and Moon) changes signs this month, and that happens to be Mercury retrograde. Go figure. Be patient and persistent. Things aren’t as stuck as they seem.


Mon Feb 03 the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries. Let that free spirit fly a little higher. Disagreements may be hard to avoid, but that’s why there’s voice mail and a door to close to the writing office. Heads Up.


Wed Feb 05 the Moon is in Taurus  pretty much all day. Make something lovely. Except for a few periods of void of course, the Moon will be in a fixed sign for the Wednesdays this month. Stick to your program. Also, it’s the day before Mercury goes stationary retrograde for the first time this year. Safeguard those things that will upset you most if they go awry.  Do you know where your smartphone is? Can you say ‘computer backup?’ Heads Up.


Thu Feb 06 the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 03Pis. This is one degree short of a perfected conjunction between Mercury and Neptune (Neptune is camping out at 04Pis). It could be an extra spacey Merc retrograde, so double Heads Up. Make sure that the coffee  travel mug lid is screwed on tight on. Seven hours later, in the evening, the Moon opposes Saturn and goes void of course. No matter what happens, don’t beat yourself up over any of it.


Fri Feb 07 the Moon enters Gemini in the late morning. The Moon in Gemini is the writer’s time of month. All communicators, not just writers, can springboard into extra productivity from now till Sunday night. Why wait? (Time, tide, and Gemini wait for no one .) We get to start this Gemini period on a social, lovely Venus day of the week. Smile, talk, listen, read and write. Heck, maybe see a movie or two.


Sat Feb  08 the Moon is in Gemini all day long. Mercury retrograde is no excuse. In fact, with Mercury still in Pisces, go get inspired and dream up something special. The retrograde can help you edit and be a bit more paced and discriminating. Be grateful.


Sun Feb 09 the Moon trines Mars and goes void of course for nine and a half hours before entering the sign of Cancer. If you’ve been working hard, then you deserve an extra good midnight snack. The Moon in Cancer can really take the edge off a successful work bash (even if the work has all been brainstorming…you took notes, right?).


Mon Feb 10 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter (a still retrograde Jupiter) in Cancer. This happens at close of day, but you may feel it building all day long as the Moon approaches Jupiter. Enjoy the day and share the good luck.


Tue Feb 11 the Moon is in Cancer when the Sun makes a square to Saturn. This can help minimize any Mercury retrograde madness. Be gentle with the criticism, though (especially self-criticism). No one and nothing is perfect, today or ever. Respect authority and don’t shy away from your own. Late night, the Moon makes a trine to Saturn. I’m not sure this makes Saturn very much happier, so let’s just say that it’s been a mild Heads Up Saturnian kind of day.


Wed Feb 12  midday, the Moon moves into Leo. This day may not have the quickest of starts. Productivity, quality, and mood may brighten as the day progresses. Come evening, Mercury retrograde backslides into cool collected Aquarius. This  may not make the retrograde effects weaker, but it might lessen any emotional over-reactions to same.


Fri Feb 14  is the Full Moon at 26Leo.  Let that noble heart shine and resolve to use this month doing your best for everyone (including you). In the evening, the Moon opposes Mercury retrograde and then goes void of course. The Moon in Leo can make everything look and feel better, if only briefly.


Sat Feb 15  the Moon is in gentle but industrious Virgo all day. Errands and  chores might just naturally get done. Late morning, the Moon opposes Neptune. You could get a peek into someone else’s private dream. Midday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde at 26 Aqu. On the US east coast, Mercury retrograde trines Mars. (In PST, this happens shortly after midnight, Sunday). Think animated dreams, or energetic partying.


Sun Feb 16 the Moon is still in Virgo. Twenty minutes after the Mercury Mars trine, the Moon trines Pluto. Ten hours later, the Moon trines Venus. At end of day, the Moon sextiles Saturn and then goes void of course. Be happy for trines (but not too happy). Have you had a good weekend?


Mon Feb 17 the Moon enters amiable Libra. It’s an unruffled day with no exact aspects. However, it’s the last day of the month that the Sun spends in Aquarius. Heads Up. Tomorrow the world may be more fluid, tenuous, and emotional.


Tue Feb 18 the Moon is in Libra all day. The Moon opposes Uranus in the morning. A flash of rebellious desire could arise as the Sun makes its exit from Aquarius. Four hours later the Sun moves into the sign of Pisces the Fishes. Altruism does not have to morph in self-sacrifice. The Sun is no longer a guest in Saturn’s house but now a guest of Jupiter. Consider what you need before giving things away. Near end of day, Mercury retrograde squares Saturn. This can add still more self-restraint.


Wed Feb 19 the Moon (still) in Libra trines Mercury retrograde in the morning. Feel good about your work, progress or lack thereof. Keep polishing, though. Midday, the Moon conjuncts Mars and goes void of course. Late evening, the Moon enters Scorpio. Don’t waste the day getting angry and steamed up about future or imaginary conflicts, but get inspired and write those combative scenes at night.


Fri Feb 21 the Moon conjuncts Saturn in the afternoon. This can be a weekend deep in soul-searching and insights. Be compassionate rather than critical.


Sun Feb 23 the Moon is in fiery Sagittarius when the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Fire and water can be a dangerous combination, but heck, you can’t make tea without them. Heads Up.


Tue Feb 25 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. in the very early morning. The day may start more seriously than usual. Don’t be knocked off balance. Late evening, the Moon conjuncts Venus. Here’s a reward for a day well spent. Shortly before midnight (in the wee smalls Eastern Standard Time), Jupiter exactly squares Uranus. It’s a long-term far-reaching aspect that deserves notice. Remember those fixed sign moons on Wednesdays, and stick to your program.


Wed Feb 26 the Moon enters Aquarius in the early morning and stays there all day. With the Sun in Pisces now, we can work with more depth of feeling than was possible last week.


Thu Feb 27 the Moon is (still) in Aquarius all day. The Moon conjuncts Mercury retrograde in the afternoon. It’s a very slow-moving and strong Mercury. Don’t hesitate to think more and longer about anything. Late that night, the Moon squares Saturn. Let it sharpen your critical faculties (even in your dreams) rather than amp up the self-criticism. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Heads Up.


Fri Feb 28 the Moon starts the day trining Mars and going void of course in Aquarius for three hours. During that last hour of void of course moon, though, Mercury ends being retrograde and achieves stationary direct. Heads Up. This could give you a strong mental outlook to last for a while. Late afternoon, the Moon conjuncts Neptune. Don’t let this create any false expectations. Coming out of a Mercury retrograde period takes time, so remain patient. An hour later, the Sun makes a trine to Jupiter. Patience and optimism are good; over-eagerness not so much. Three hours later (after midnight, Mar 01 EST), a very very dark moon makes its trine to Jupiter. Tomorrow may not be as great as you’re dreaming and planning, but it can still be pretty darn good. Great good luck may be buried deep down inside somewhere. Fifteen whole minutes later, we get the New Moon at 10Pis. Think powerful great dreams for the weekend, and for the coming month of March.


It’s a power-packed month, despite the Mercury retrograde, or, perhaps, because of it. Aquarius and Pisces can bring things into focus that have been blurred for a long time. These signs can also bring about a sense of completion that has been lacking for a while. Don’t expect too much, don’t do too little, don’t over-engage emotionally or overly disengage  intellectually. Writers and all creative people need their powers of observation sharp, fully functioning, and not playing any favorites (except for matters of personal taste). You can get a lot of long-lasting solid work done, work that can stand on  its own. Don’t let the short days discourage you. Spring is on its way. Get ready to grow! Heads Up!

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