Heads Up! April Writers Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Apr.01, 2010, under Forecasts
April 1st may be April Fool’s Day, but astrologically, there is no fooling around.
The month starts on Thursday (Jupiter’s day) with the Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio does
not know how to fool around. We have the Moon trine Jupiter, though, so the world
does not have to be deadly serious. And, Venus changes signs and enters Taurus (a
sign it rules). Life may not instantly become better, but at least it can look
Fri Apr 02 Mercury changes signs and enters Taurus, too. This lightens things up,
although perhaps slowing down the pace. The Moon enters Sagittarius, making
impatience even more of an issue. Why rush? Everything is not a race.
Sat Apr 03 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Venus squares Mars. Look at the bigger
picture, and don’t fiercely cling to your opinion.
Sun Apr 04 is Easter Sunday. The Moon enters Capricorn in the evening, and is there
when Venus trines Pluto. Necessary changes can still have some beauty about them.
An hour later, Mercury squares Mars. Resist pointless criticism, especially
Mon Apr 05 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. A mild Heads Up. Work on
something radically transformative, if only in private and for a few moments.
Tue Apr 06 the Moon is in Capricorn when Mercury trines Pluto. Those necessary
changes may start to make a little sense. That evening, Pluto goes stationary
retrograde. That slight feeling of more security is an illusion, but it’s still
Wed Apr 07 the Moon enters Aquarius early in the morning. We can look forward to a
month of Wednesdays with the Moon in fixed signs. Think persistence, rather than
stubbornness. Engage in something, and stick with it. Midday, Saturn retrogrades
back into the sign of Virgo. Heads Up. Fear no rewriting or editing task. Nor is
there any fear of being rushed. Good work cannot be rushed.
Fri Apr 09 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius. Dream something good for the
mass market. Four hours later, the Moon moves into Pisces. Some of your personal
feelings will resonate with others.
Sat Apr 10 the Moon is in Pisces for a day of sextiles. The Moon sextiles Pluto in
the early morning. This can take away the worst of the sting from some unwelcomed
change. Mid-afternoon, the Moon sextiles Mercury. It becomes easier to present a
difficult idea to even difficult people. Evening, the Moon sextiles Venus.
Regardless of how the day went, it now has the warm inner glow of a glass of wine.
Take gentle assistance where you find it.
Sun Apr 11 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. Swim with the big fish today.
Mon Apr 12 the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces. Be careful that you don’t offend
unintentionally. About three hours later, the Moon opposes Saturn retrograde. Any
serious misstep earlier in the day may come back to haunt you. Don’t be knocked off
Tue Apr 13 the Moon is in Aries all day. Limit feverish activity to your work.
It’s the day before the New Moon. Heads Up. Don’t do anything rash that isn’t
absolutely necessary.
Wed Apr 14 is the New Moon at 24Ari. Begin something that’s expressly for you.
Your passion for it will carry you through to completion.
Thu Apr 15 the Moon is in Taurus all day, conjuncting Mercury in the midafternoon.
It’s Tax Day in the U.S. It’s also, I believe, the 98th anniversary of the sinking
of the Titanic. Way too late for a heads up on that one.
Fri Apr 16 the Moon conjuncts Venus in Taurus. Sit still and savor something you
love. Late that night, the Moon enters Gemini. Look forward to a weekend of
productivity, mental cross-fertilization, and brainstorming. Wait, there’s more.
Heads Up!! Mercury is grinding to a halt in the sky, to go stationary retrograde
tomorrow. Think computer backups, cell phones and all things with batteries well
charged, all the usual electronic, mechanical, transportational, and communicational
things safeguarded. Or maybe it’s as simple as knowing where your checkbook, keys,
Ipod, and notebooks are. Heads Up!
Sat Apr 17 the Moon is in Gemini when Venus sextiles Jupiter. Communicate
gracefully, but with restraint, because eight hours later comes the Mercury
stationary retrograde at 12Tau. Prepare to feel like your brain is slipping into a
deep freeze. Stay calm. Everyone else feels like it, too. Drive carefully. Heads
Mon Apr 19 the Moon enters Cancer in the early morning. Cravings for home space
fill the mind and heart. That night, the Sun changes signs and enters Taurus. The
need to manically live the life of Aries is over and we can settle deep into
something more substantial and hopefully more comfortable.
Wed Apr 21 the Moon enters Leo. Write with brilliance, willing to take risks with
words and themes.
Thu Apr 22 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Leo. This can be a high energy day. And,
it’s Earth Day. Some of us feel that each day is Earth Day. I mean, where do you
Fri Apr 23 the Moon enters Virgo midday, and about an hour and half later, Venus
squares Neptune. Share criticism and edit with a light hand. That evening, Venus
sextiles Uranus. It’s not too late in the day to be adventuresome.
Sat Apr 24 the Moon is in Virgo when Venus trines Saturn retrograde. Doubts about
earlier efforts will vaporize. Late that night, Venus changes signs and moves into
Gemini. Suddenly there aren’t enough people with whom to share all these luscious
new observations and opinions. Thank goodness for email.
Sun Apr 25 Mercury squares Mars in the very early hours. You can be polite and
still not agree. Later that morning, the Sun trines Pluto. Enjoy the power of your
convictions, especially concerning the upbeat. The Moon conjuncts Saturn
retrograde, then enters the sign of Libra. Tomorrow can be a very satisfying day.
Mon Apr 26 the Moon is in Libra when Saturn retrograde opposes Uranus. Major Heads
Up. If your work needs some major innovation, stop putting it off and just do it.
In the world at large, this aspect suggests that if a big change needs to be done,
there may be less resistance than normal. Be happy about that Saturn retrograde.
Wed Apr 28 we have the Full Moon at 08Sco. This is the stuff of deep-seated
passion. Another Heads Up. Tackle that crucial climax scene with confidence.
Thirty minutes later the Moon opposes Mercury. Let no one interrupt you or talk you
out of it. Four hours later, the Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde. Take a
well-deserved break from all that mental exercise.
Thu Apr 29 the Moon enters Sagittarius, where it remains through the end of the
month. End on a high note and write big. Feel good about it.
April has a few heavy-duty days in it, but nothing we haven’t weathered before.
Persist in your pursuits. It’s surprising how, long after the fact, you learn that
people not only like what you did but they admire you just for doing it. Don’t lean
on that, though. Don’t lean on anything. Dig in, churn away, and work your way
through to the end. No one can stop you. Be brave, inventive, and even brilliant,
like the flowers of spring. Some of them are perennials, you know. Heads Up!
The March Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Mar.01, 2010, under Forecasts
March 2010
Welcome to March, the month that comes in like a lion. We start on a Monday, with the Moon still in Virgo when Mercury changes signs and enters Pisces. Expect a little indecision when dealing with people. Before today is over, the Moon enters Libra and conjuncts Saturn retrograde. Tomorrow may be more pleasant if more formal.
Wed Mar 03 is a day of finding, and maybe dealing with loose ends. Don’t tackle anything too heavy, unless you work nights, because that’s when the Moon enters Scorpio. Two hours later Venus conjuncts Uranus. Even the quirky may require serious attention. This could bleed over into tomorrow.
Sun Mar 07 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Venus changes signs and starts the zodiac all over again, entering Aries. The world may look fresh and vibrant in a whole new way. Later, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. Eavesdrop discriminately. People are being generous with their good ideas, however ungrounded those ideas may be. (continue reading…)
Market Forces Have Changed! Take Cover!
by Dorothy Kovach on Feb.05, 2010, under Financial, Forecasts
I don’t have much time, so this has to be brief, but for all my friends, clients and readers, but especially my dear trading buddies, who may be a bit overweight in equities, or ‘long’ etfs; the tide has turned.
Since I so want you all to keep your money, so I am asking each of you to please consider reallocating into more secure positions. If your portfolio is under the guidance of somebody else, please make them aware that market forces are changing. For those who have been trading long, if you have been beaten up, waiting for the recovery to return, try not to be sad. Remember the market goes up, and the market goes down. If you try to go long when you should be going short you lose money. We don’t want to lose money, now do we? Of course not, so if you are long, close your positions into any positive news.
For those who are having trouble understanding this, or who have just parked their money elsewhere. Here is your mantra:
70% of market moves with market
70% of the market moves with the market
70% of the market moves with the market.
Say that over and over again until you get it in your head. We have moved into bear country. You don’t go into bear country without proper precautions, so if you are long equities, then its time to think about the much maligned US Dollar. If you are a trader, get your puts in place. Above all, don’t be afraid to stick with them.
And here is your mantra:
Sell on the good news
Sell on the good news
Sell on the good news
Why? Well several reasons first, all we have to do is take one look at the Spring Ingess Chart set for 2009. What say you, “2009? That’s long gone, its 2010?”
Modern times mean fast times, so fast we think, ‘here to day, gone tomorrow.’ Ours is is the study of beginnings. Following Hermes/Thoth, astrologers know that what was written above, will be lived out down here on earth. We must remember that the first day of spring, is just like the first breath a baby takes. And just as the baby’s destiny is marked out by that breath of prana, so too are the 365 days following the Spring Equinox, marked in that all important chart. It is this nano second that the Western Astrological Tradition is based upon.
The first thing we notice is that there are cardinal cusps on all the angles (the 4 corners of the chart). Cardinal signs have the ability to act, and it promises a fast market because of it. The next thing we notice is that the ruler of the chart, is Mars, and he is in a watery house. This may not look very bullish, and indeed, it is not. The first house shows the condition of the people and how the citizenry feel. In this case, and with Aries rising, the grumpy Mars tells us how the people are. Mars in Pisces is a sign of worry. The 12th is a house of loss. This is a sign that the natives are restless, but quiet about it. Since the 12th is a cadent or falling house, they feel helpless. The condition of the people in any chart is important, and might be bad, if we were not looking at the spring chart for hints concerning money. Here we leave the house of the people and look to the money houses, the first, our moveable assets, the 11th, the profits from our businesses, the 8th our debts, and the 5th the stock market, but with this caveat, the stock market is the stock market if you are only in it for fun and games. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac Week of Feb 23rd
by Kathy Watts on Feb.02, 2010, under Forecasts
by Kathy Watts
Tue Feb 23 the Moon is still in Gemini when the Sun sextiles Pluto. There are some changes that just need to be made, and there are gracious ways of making them. Then the Moon enters Cancer. Everything seems to hit closer to home. You do not have to spill coffee on your desk. Wed
Feb 24 the Moon is in Cancer, but, as always, it reaches out and touches someone, lots of someones. Today the Moon trines the Sun (self-confidence improves), then the Moon trines Jupiter (give if not also get some good luck), then the Moon trines Venus (adds a touch of charm to everything—-so appreciate it). That’s a lot of gentle touches. Stay concentrated on your work, but Heads Up in a good way.
Thu Feb 25 the Moon conjuncts Mars retrograde in Leo. Heads Up. Channel this away from anger and into being a little nobler in the daily routine. Be willing to cheerfully do something that someone else won’t. Worse case, hole up and write like a demon.
Sat Feb 27 the Moon is still in Leo when Mercury conjuncts Neptune. Magic can happen today. Make it beneficent magic, because before midnight, the Moon opposes Neptune, then Mercury, and all plots and scheming may be revealed. (This might be a useful scenario in the writing of a fantasy novel.)
Sun Feb 28 the Sun conjuncts Jupiter. Contemplate general good luck. About five hours later, the Moon opposes Jupiter. Consider that something lucky may have happened but you’ve overlooked it. Let the Moon shine its light on whatever good is available to you. Eighteen whole minutes later comes the Full Moon at 09Vir. Patiently perfect the many small things that are nonetheless important to you. This is heady stuff on which to end the month. Heads Up for sure. The month ending on a Full Moon is quite a gift. It’s a brilliance to be taken into the coming month. Be brilliant, too, full of plans and projects for the future, and full of energy for the present. Be a light that shines for everyone. Writers work hard with passion and deserve to be heard and read. This means you! Have a stunning month. Heads Up! *********
Heads up for 2010
by Kathy Watts on Jan.04, 2010, under Forecasts
Head’s Up! December Writers Astrological Forecast
by Kathy Watts on Dec.02, 2009, under Forecasts
December 2009
An intense year has come to an intense end. Absorb some of that power and draw on it in the year to come (not that next year lacks intensity). A Full Moon in Cancer is bright, high in the sky for many, many hours. Embrace your personality for what it is, for what and who you are. There is only one you, however flawed or perfect. There will never be another one. You’re it! Share your perspective with the world, throughout time and space. Write like you mean it, because if you don’t, well, what do you mean? Commit yourself to the cause that is yourself, and then get out of your own way.
Have a fantastic month, and a stunningly progressive and productive year to come! Start strong, and finish stronger. Heads Up!
The last month of the year starts off with some great gifts for writers. (continue reading…)
Head Up! November’s Forecast by Kathy Watts
by Kathy Watts on Nov.02, 2009, under Forecasts
November may start out stormy in Scorpio, but it ends on a bright note with Sagittarius. You can progress in the same way. The dark and the light are both required, especially for that twilight in which a lot of us writers do our thing. Have a powerful, strongly rooted and brilliantly productive month! Heads up! (continue reading…)
Head’s Up October! By Kathy Watts
by Kathy Watts on Oct.04, 2009, under Forecasts
October 2009
Welcome to October!!It’s a challenging month, but also empowering. Put the final touches on some projects, and explore the skeletal beginnings of others. It may be a time for caution, but not of hesitation or doubt. We all have doubts, of course, but we don’t have to reveal them to the world. Nor does this mean suppression. It may simply mean tact, and Libra loves tact.
Have a splendid, pumpkin-grinning joyous autumn month of writing. Heads Up! (continue reading…)
Head’s Up Forecast for Early September!
by Kathy Watts on Sep.01, 2009, under Forecasts
This is one intense month, but it has a lot of built-in advantages. Use Mercury and Virgo to achieve a lot on the writing front. The sky changes, and the planets move on. What some may consider oppression, we can bottle and pour into our work. Look on the bright side, work hard, and be good to yourself! Heads Up!

Heads Up!
Mercury Imprisoned in Iran
by Dorothy J. Kovach on Aug.10, 2009, under Forecasts
“Things are not the way they used to be.
I wont tell no lie; One and all have to face reality now.
Though I’ve tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask.
Its just impossible to go livin’ through the past –
Dont tell no lie.
Theres a natural mystic blowing through the air – If you listen carefully now you will hear.”
-Robert Nesta Marley
Before an at times, audibly skeptical audience, President Ahmadinejad took his oath for a second term as president of Iran last week. For better or worse, the very second that a candidate goes from being a ‘regular’ person to the exalted status of ‘president’ every person living within the borders of the country, in this case, Iran, becomes literally ‘subject’ to that moment in time. If Ahmadinejad, and his band of mullahs were hoping to quell the massive dissent that has risen since his contested June election; this was certainly not the best time to hold an inauguration. From the looks of it, at best, there will be a lot of double talk from this administration, at its worst, they may paint themselves into a corner from which they may not be able to recover.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s inauguration as Iranian president for a second term was marked by opposition walkouts, demonstrations and criticism from his own conservative camp today as pressure mounted on the disputed winner of Iran’s election.
Senior officials and clerics attended the ceremony at Iran’s parliament but it was boycotted by many opposition leaders and moderate politicians. Those of the reform faction who did attend walked out when Ahmadinejad started speaking, according to the opposition website Parleman News.
Virgo, the sign of minutiae, rises in the east. The sign Virgo can be likened to the old fable of the princess and the pea. No matter how high the pillows are stacked, there will always be a certain amount of discomfort. Perhaps it is the angelic half of Virgo being forced to face the ugly realities of life on this imperfect earth, that makes it the complainer of the zodiac. I don’t know. I do know that when we see Virgo rising in a world chart, its a good can bet the natives will be restless. The Sun is the brightest of all the celestial bodies. Without its light, we could not live. The king was considered god’s representative on earth. This is why the ancients made the Sun the natural ruler of kings and rulers, and the Moon to the citizenry. It is an all or nothing proposition, because the ruler and people are at odds, and are both in signs of fixity, so neither side will budge. Ahmadinejad’s attempt at compromise, choosing as he did, a reformist vice president, only served to harden the stance of the members of his own conservative party, some of whom, walked out during his ceremony. However, one should never underestimate, Ahmadinejad. He is not without friends. He is the Sun, strong and at home, in the royal Leo, and placed in the 11th. Like the Sun, his inaugural speech repeatedly called for taking ‘great acts.’ This might imply his government will certainly try to dominate the will of his people. However, taking a closer look, it becomes apparent that without the support of the army, this administration is lost. This is because there is but one solar aspect ahead, the weakest of all, a sextile to Mars, thus begging question, how many of your people can you beat and throw behind bars?
Why? First and foremost, this chart looks like a ship without an anchor. The type of sign rising was very important to the ancients, for it spelled out the durability of the event. We see double bodied or mutable signs on the angles (1, 4, 7 and 10). This is a shaky start. Mutable signs have the ability to exist two different worlds, simultaneously. Gemini (two people), Virgo (angels wings on human body) Sagittarius (half man half horse) and Pisces (two fish swimming in opposite directions). There is no doubt that this ‘morphing’ makes them the most versatile signs of the zodiac. However, it becomes easy to scatter their forces. Duplicity often results. There will be those who profess to be on the side of the president, but are not, and there will be those who profess to be reformers, but also are not. It implies, the see saw effect, in which the government starts out one direction, but will be forced to change course.
It should surprise nobody that the winged messenger, god/goddess of communications, Mercury, owns both the house both of the people, and that of the government. Mercury is strong in his own sign of Virgo, but all its brilliance is chained, imprisoned as it is, in the 12th. Lilly said that the 12th house represented:
‘Men who maliciously undermine their neighbors or inform secretly against them.’
In other words, Mercury in the 12th, is the epitome, of the Judas, who smiles so sweetly to your face, professing undying loyalty, while selling you out for 30 pieces of silver. Watching ones back, may be not only be good advice, but the way to survive. When we see both citizen’ and government in the so placed, that old cold war cartoon, ‘Spy vs. Spy’ comes to mind, where nobody can be fully trusted. In such a situation, sabotage becomes the norm.
Ever break an old fashioned thermometer? Remember trying to scoop up the pieces of the Mercury, and how it would slip from your fingers? The same is true of words. No matter how hard they try, the messages will get out. It is time for the mullah to face reality. There is a whole other world out there. Dialogue with the opposition is a must. Even the most sophisticated surveillance equipment will not bring submission.
Since the same planet owns both citizen and president, we turn to the natural rulers for specifics.
After all, a nation is only as good as the people that inhabit it. They want more freedom, and represented by the fixed Moon in Aquarius, Ahmadinejad should not discount their tenacity. After all, Aquarius is a sign of stubborn thought. Strong arming the people will only serve to strengthen their resolve. Given that more than 40% of the population is under 30; time really is on their side. With the Moon in early degrees, this defiance is only in its gestation. Saturn hovering at the Ascendant, increases the dissatisfaction. Oil,the national product, is on the decline. The government will not be able to give as generously to their support base as they had in the past. This story is far from over. Mercury’s upcoming September retrograde may give this administration something to think about.