Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac-February2011
by Kathy Watts on Feb.01, 2011, under Forecasts
February 2011
For a month with the fewest days, there is nothing short about the action in this year’s February.
We open up with Feb 01 on a Tuesday (the day of the week for dynamic Mars, so we’re already off to a running start). The Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Mercury and then goes void of course until it enters Aquarius in the midday. The first half of the day will have better mental focus, so do your more important work then. Late that night, Venus sextiles Neptune. The evening can be dreamy and sweet. Heads Up all day, though. It’s the day before the New Moon and this always deserves extra caution. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac Jan 2011!
by Kathy Watts on Jan.04, 2011, under Forecasts
Heads Up! January 2011
Happy New Year and welcome to 2011! We start off on a Saturday (Saturn’s day of the week) with the Moon in Sagittarius. Jupiter rules Sagittarius. This fits in well with the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn opposition in late March. Take it as a theme for the year — generosity, gratitude, respect. We all want it, after all, so let’s share the “wealth.”
Sun Jan 2 the Moon conjuncts Mercury on Sagittarius. Think big thoughts, and phrase them meticulously. The audience will build itself.
Mon Jan 3 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Feel strongly about your work, do your best, and let the chips fall where they may. It’s also the day before the New Moon (that will also be a solar eclipse). Be safety-minded, especially when traveling, even if only to the grocery store. Heads Up.
Tue Jan 4 is the New Moon at 13 Cap. Embrace your work with a new intensity. It’s also a solar eclipse. What decisions you make now will have extra weight for the next three months. A few hours later Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in the end of Pisces. Expansive feelings may go out in surprising directions. Less that an hour later, Venus trines Uranus. The unexpected and unconventional may be better received. Then Venus trines Jupiter. A lot of people can feel good about a lot of things. Encourage the good things, and feel good, too. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Dec.02, 2010, under Forecasts
December 2010
Welcome to December! This month begins on Wednesday, Mercury’s day. Be flexible and expect it to be a lively month. We start with the Moon conjuncting Saturn in even-tempered Libra. Despite any cravings for miracles, we can still keep our feet on the ground and enjoy a realistic, practical month. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The November Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Nov.04, 2010, under Forecasts
November 2010
This month begins on a Monday (the Moon’s day) with the Moon in Virgo. It’s the next to the last month of the year, and a good time to get records, writings, and correspondences organized. Of course it’s probably impossible to organize it all, but if you chip away at the little bits, someone will appreciate it. Besides, it’s healthy.
Tue Nov 02 the Moon sextiles Mercury. The mind expresses things less harshly. Later the Moon opposes Jupiter, then opposes Uranus. Bounty may look like excess and innovation may look unbearably radical. The Moon then moves into Libra and we can end the day with some sense of balance and appropriateness. In the marvellous madcap U. S. of A. it is Election Day. There are many ways to vote, but only one is going to get counted today. We may not all get to participate, but as writers we all get to observe and then give voice to what we see. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s October Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Oct.02, 2010, under Forecasts
October begins on a Friday (Venus’s day) with the Moon in Cancer. Despite the relentless tug of the world, this can still be a good month to write (or at least to read) at home. This afternoon Mercury exactly opposes Jupiter. It’s a good day to write a blue streak (always better than talking one), although it might not all be right, which is fine for an early draft.
Sat Oct 02 Mercury opposes Uranus. Turn on the faucet, and the unconventional, even revolutionary thoughts will run like water. Be polite about it all, though (except in fiction). A few hours later, the Moon enters Leo. Hopefully the thought processes will settle down before pride kicks in.
Sun Oct 03 the Moon is in Leo when Mercury changes signs and enters Libra. May thoughts turn to harmony and peace, or at least nice plot resolutions. In the afternoon, Venus conjuncts Mars. This aspect was made to assist artistic works of any sort. Channel all your passion and charm into it and see what comes out.
Mon Oct 04 the Moon is in Virgo when Mercury squares Pluto. It’s always easy to question the need for a major change. Perhaps this is a good day to revise plot outlines (if you use such things, and Virgo would like it if you did).
Wed Oct 06 the Moon enters Libra. Work from a strong, well-centered, even-tempered space. It’s going to be a month of Wednesdays with the Moon in cardinal signs. Be more than prolific; be constructive. Late tonight, the Moon conjuncts Mercury. You can feel what the people feel. Take notes. It’s the day before the New Moon. Take extra precaution when traveling, or when firing off email. Heads Up.
Thu Oct 07 the very dark Moon conjuncts Saturn. It’s the kind of day when you can see to the bottom of the well. Observe fearlessly, but act with circumspection. Then comes the New Moon at 14Libra. I’m hoping that this will feel like recovering from some lingering illness or depression. Be brave, and put your impressions into your art.
Heads Up! The Writer’s September Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Sep.02, 2010, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
September 2010
We start this month with Mercury retrograde, but don’t let that set us back. Once we get a grip on the mechanical and electronic snags that lurk in the shadows, this is simply a time to practice being more careful with our words. What writer is going to argue with that?
If you’ve never seen the planet Uranus (and I have not), now we have a good chance, because it will be very close to Jupiter, easily the brightest thing in the sky. Uranus might be visible to the unaided eye if you have a dark sky. Otherwise, binoculars or a small telescope should make it easy. If you get a clearn night anytime this week or next, go for it! Check out the link below:
Enjoy!! And let’s hope for clear skies. (continue reading…)
Heads Up!The Writer’s August Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Aug.02, 2010, under Forecasts
It’s a month of retrogrades and long-lasting conjunctions. Life may seem stuck in low gear, but the low gears are the strong ones. Venus and Saturn are within orb for conjunction from Aug 2 till Aug 13. Heads up for any unwarranted feelings of self-sacrifice or self-pity. Mars is deep in the mix, too.
Mars will be in a separating conjunction with Saturn until Aug 11 or so. Be on guard against feeling so strong that you’re willing to be a doormat.
Then we have Venus and Mars, ah! This gives charm and beauty to the world, and reckless flirtation, jealousy, and temper.
Now that’s a Heads Up configuration!
They begin an applying conjunction on Aug 6, reach exact conjunction on Aug 20 (the same day that Mercury goes stationary retrograde), do the exact conjunction again on Oct 1 (shortly before Venus goes stationary retrograde on Oct 8), and they don’t pull away from one another until Oct 12. Then there’s Jupiter and Uranus, still conjunct in the borderlands of early Aries and late Pisces. It lasts till the end of the year, and then some. This is the stuff of Big Business, big and generous authority, and big surprises. Make friends with these conditions and Heads Up all month. Get all that? Did it stick? Me, neither. That’s why I need to look at the sky day by day, night by night.
Ready for August? (continue reading…)
July Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts on Jul.01, 2010, under Forecasts
Are we not entering the heart of summer? And what a summer this is going to be. Let the Sun shine in!
July 1 starts on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) with the Moon in Pisces (traditionally ruled by Jupiter). Look forward to a month of expansion and all things big and beautiful. Remove the word “disappointment” from your vocabulary this month.
Sat Jul 03 the Moon opposes Saturn and goes void of course until it enters the sign of Aries. Criticism may sting, but not for long. The Moon then conjuncts Uranus (always bringing a fresh look at the world), then Jupiter in the sign of Aries. Feel personally lucky.
Head’s Up! May
by Kathy Watts on May.01, 2010, under Forecasts
Ah, the flowers of the May, tra la! Saturday May 1 sees the Moon in party-happy, celebratory Sagittarius. Remember, though, that Mercury is retrograde and that minor confusions and accidents are happening everywhere to everyone. Wear red, be compassionate, and smile all day. You might make some favorable contacts.
Sun May 2 the Moon moves into Capricorn and conjuncts Pluto. See this as nature’s way of settling us down for the work week to come.
Wed May 5 the Moon is in Aquarius. It’s a month of Wednesdays (Mercury’s day of the week) with the Moon in the fixed signs. This is good for buckling down and working with persistence.
Thu May 6 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius. Dream big, and write to scale.
Fri May 7 the Moon is in Pisces when Venus sextiles Mars. It might be a good day to solve problems needing finesse.
Sun May 9 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. The heart swells. Then the Moon opposes Saturn in Virgo, casting dissatisfaction on every imperfect detail. But then the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces, and the youthful rebel spirit revives. Heads Up, hopefully in a good way. Happy Mother’s Day.
Tue May 11 Mercury goes stationary direct, and not a moment too soon. Things will remain slow-going for a while, but don’t lose faith in the progress you’re making.
Wed May 12 the Moon conjuncts Mercury in Taurus. Some clever new idea may surface, but be careful. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Heads Up.
Thu May 13 is the New Moon in Taurus. Begin something beautiful with staying power. At least try. If we don’t have that kind of vision, who does?
Fri May 14 the Moon enters Gemini, where it will be until Sunday morning. Remember the inspiration of yesterday’s New Moon, and go get some writing done.
Sun May 16 the Moon conjuncts Venus in Gemini. These are the last few, and powerful, days of Venus in Gemini. Heads Up. Don’t lose this. Write with elegant abandon. The Moon then moves on and spends the rest of the day in Cancer. Personal concerns, or maybe writings of a more personal nature, take on extra importance.
Wed May 19 the Moon is in Leo when Venus leaves the sign of Gemini and enters Cancer. This rates a Heads Up because Venus is walking through a square with both Jupiter and Uranus on one side of the sky and with Saturn on the other. Sometimes charm will get you through big difficulties, sometimes not. Be sharp, and be sincere.
Thu May 20 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Leo. Expect an active dream life, and write it down, because later the Moon opposes Neptune and it may all be forgotten. The Moon then enters Virgo (good for editing) and about three and a half hours later, the Sun itself changes signs and enters, yes, Gemini. Heads Up in the best way. It’s a good time to be a writer.
Sat May 22 the Moon has a busy day. The Moon opposes Jupiter (go ahead and question excesses), then five minutes later conjuncts Saturn (limitations can work to your benefit), then three hours later opposes Uranus (some new crazy ideas are just that, crazy). The grand finale of all this is the exact opposition of Jupiter and Saturn at the close of day (10:38 pm PDT). This is the original cosmic tug of war between expansion and contraction. Not even the universe escapes this struggle. Be practical but compassionate on all fronts. Heads Up.
Sun May 23 the Moon is in Libra when Venus opposes Pluto. Domestic beauty questions, maybe even falls afoul of, the harsh outside world. How many stories have dealt with this one?
Wed May 26 the Moon is in Scorpio. Write from the depths of your being; no shyness or modesty permitted. We’ve now had a taste of all four fixed signs, saving the most fixed for last.
Thu May 27 is the Full Moon at 06Sag. Big-hearted spirit is in the air. Ask for, and offer, something fine and grand. Later today, Uranus makes the big move and enters the sign of Aries. This is self-motivation of perhaps the most reckless kind. Heads Up.
Sat May 29 the Moon enters Capricorn and conjuncts Pluto. We don’t always get two of these in a month, but so it goes. Stay calm and steady, for your own sake and for others. Work diligently and resist any knee-jerk reactions or judgments. Heads Up.
Sun May 30 the Moon is in Capricorn when Saturn goes stationary direct. Heads Up. The good news is, Saturn moves so slowly, it won’t finish with Virgo until the middle of July. Then we’ll get a different kind of heads up. Until then, writers and editors, enjoy the extra discipline and precision.
Mon May 31 the Moon is in Aquarius when Neptune goes stationary retrograde, not a bad configuration for dreams of and gratitude to the past, fitting for today, Memorial Day. It doesn’t even have to be sentimental. You can write about profoundly moving subjects without becoming maudlin.
Well, that constitutes a wild and crazy month. The universe has some heavy-duty work to do, and so do we.
Go for it! Heads Up
The SEC (finally) Sues Goldman Sachs for Fraud
by Dorothy J. Kovach on Apr.16, 2010, under Financial, Forecasts
On Friday, we learned that found out that the all time winner in the ‘get away with financial murder’ department, Goldman Sachs has been sued for fraud by the SEC. You may remember that it was those captains of the universe at GS that created the toxic debt instrument, the Collateral Debt Obligation, better known as CDOs, that nearly wiped out the financial institutions. GS has a lot of chutzpah, because not only are they said to have helped to create the toxicity, but they also managed to get billions of dollars in TARP bailout money.
By Joshua Gallu and Christine Harper
April 16 (Bloomberg) — Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was sued by U.S. regulators for fraud tied to collateralized debt obligations that contributed to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The firm’s shares tumbled as much as 16 percent and financial stocks slumped.
Goldman Sachs created and sold CDOs tied to subprime mortgages in early 2007, as the U.S. housing market faltered, without disclosing that hedge fund Paulson & Co. helped pick the underlying securities and bet against them, the Securities and Exchange Commission said in a statement today. Billionaire John Paulson’s firm earned $1 billion on the trade and wasn’t accused of wrongdoing. The SEC also sued Fabrice Tourre, a Goldman Sachs vice president who helped created the CDOs.
‘ “The product was new and complex but the deception and conflicts are old and simple,” SEC Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami said. “Goldman wrongly permitted a client that was betting against the mortgage market to heavily influence which mortgage securities to include in an investment portfolio, while telling other investors that the securities were selected by an independent, objective third party.”
“Goldman Sachs became emblematic of public outrage at the banking industry after posting a record $13.4 billion profit in 2009, a year after receiving $10 billion in taxpayer aid during the financial crisis.” More from Bloomberg
Like yours truly, back in 2006 (see Llewellyn’s 2006 Moon Sign Book), Paulson warned investors that the building boom was about to go bust. However, unlike yours truly, Paulson put his money where his mouth was and made a fortune by creating a financial instrument (collateral debt obligation or CDO) of real estate mortgage based securities (RMBS) that he was betting against. At first, he lost money, then in 2007, he hit pay dirt – big time. It is estimated in 2007, alone, Paulson & Co. made $15 billion dollars. This transaction, is said to have netted Paulson close to $4 billion dollars.
So where is the fraud?
Not on John Paulson’s part, he has been absolved off all liability in this situation. We need to roll back the clock to 2007. In a nutshell, John Paulson went to Goldman Sachs (as well as other investment banks) and asked them to ‘create’ (structure) a type of RMBS (special emphasis on the last two letters) that some say was designed to fail. Gary Zuckerman’s book, ‘The Greatest Trade,’ tells us that Paulson shopped around to various banks. Not all of them took the bait. According to Zuckerman, thinking that Paulson would want especially ‘ugly mortgages,’ Bear Stearns turned him down. There has been the analogy raised that this was like benching your best player, while betting on the opposing team. While there might be of questionable ethics to create a CDO to fail and then bet against it, there is hardly anything illegal about that. Investment banks come up with (structure) financial instruments of all types, all the time.
What was the SEC alleges to be fraudulent is that Goldman Sachs, as well as, their Vice President Fabrice Tourre not only created the financial instrument, but also prepared the marketing materials, and sold them directly to customers. In addition, and perhaps worst of all, the SEC alleges that Goldman Sachs did not disclose the risk, specifically that hedge fund, Paulson & Co. had a significant bet (short) against this particular financial instrument.
Will this be the end of Goldman Sachs? Given the heavily restricted resources of the Securities and Exchange Commission and what seems to be the vast resources of Goldman Sachs, I tend to doubt it. However, given the allegations, it might not be a bad time to check out Goldman Sachs initial public offering. Goldman Sachs went public, that is offered shares in their company stock on May 4th 1999. We use 9:30 a.m., New York, because this is the time that the New York Stock Exchange opened.
Looking at the chart, we see that Cancer rises, making the Moon very important in this chart. We see that the Moon is in the gambling sign of Sagittarius, placed in the 6th sector of service. In a sense, what G.S. does is to serve the investment community with a host of financial services. The Moon will represent the company, and all who work there. I have to admit, I was surprised to see a movable sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) rising. The movable signs are so named because they are very changeable. And as such, when we see one of them rise, because of the speed involved, there is a sense of hyper speed up. Companies with movable signs on the rise, see a lot of action, but there is less stability than I would like to see in a company that has this kind of influence on the markets.
The next thing I look for is what planet or luminary has power over the sign rising coming up in the east. In the case of GS, the company and all who work, therein, and because we are talking about an stock, not a corporation (which has different rules) and all who own a piece of it, (stockholders) instead of something stable, to bring balance, instead, we see the fluctuating Moon. Aptly, the Moon is in speculative sign, Sagittarius, in the service sector, indeed that is what Goldman purports to do, serve the banking and investment community. The Moon is in a wonderful relationship with its ruler, Mr. Moneybags, Jupiter. Luck is always important in the realm of big time finance, or else it wouldn’t have gotten this big to begin with. In addition to owning the company, Jupiter has a lot to say about the upper echelon of the company. We might say that Goldman Sachs has friends in high places, as can be clearly seen by Jupiter’s position in the tail end of the 10th house. The revolving door between GS and government is well known. We have several C.E.Os who left GS to become Secretary of the Treasury. Jupiter will represent management.
The deal in question went on April 26, 2007. What is intriguing to me is that it looks like management (the 10th) was very anxious for this deal to proceed. I do not know the particulars, but with Mars, the North Node and Uranus sitting in the house of bigwigs, on that fateful day, while the diminishing Saturn sat in the
As this suit comes about, Jupiter just happens to be cresting at the 10th house of the stock. In traditional astrology, the 10th house is what we pay for things. Since the 10th house is the top of the chart, the noon position, it might suggest that the stock price is peaking. It is interesting to note that the deal itself, went down on April 26 2007. If we look at the transiting planets on that day, it looks like management might have been a bit too anxious for push this deal through with anxious Mars, and Uranus all right up at the top on that day. In addition, the planet of bear markets and diminishing returns, Saturn was not only in their money house (2nd) but also square their money ruler… It looks, at least from an astrological point of view that Goldman Sachs was ‘hot to trot’ for this deal. We have to wonder what kind of other deals GS had made back in 2007. Were they anxious about some other trades, or where they just greedy or was this just business as usual? We will probably never know. What we do know is that in 2007, Goldman was trading upwards of $250, but in March had dropped quite a bit, and what we also know is that Goldman dropped 13% on Friday. There are now probes taking place in both Great Britain and Germany. Don’t forget that Goldman is a huge player in China.
To be continued…..