Astrological Forecasts


Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac November 2011

by on Nov.02, 2011, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

happy halloween 2011 Point Arena CA

Heads Up!

The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by Kathy Watts

November 2011

Happy November!   Autumn and the closing of the year is upon us with its usual vengeance.

We start on a Tuesday (the day of the week ruled by Mars) with the Moon void of course in Capricorn.  It’s easy to work hard on something already started.  In the wee small hours Mercury exactly squares Neptune.  You may dream dissatisfaction, but on waking things will be fine.  Before dawn, the Moon enters Aquarius.  Enjoy a focused day.

Wed  Nov 02 the Moon is in Aquarius all day.  Work with a clear mind.  In the early hours, Venus changes signs and enters the expansive and uplifting sign of Sagittarius.  This will lighten anyone’s mood.  Eight hours later, in the late morning, Mercury leaves Scorpio behind to enter Sagittarius.  You can be serious in a bigger, less brutal way.

Thu Nov 03 the Moon is in Aquarius when Venus trines Uranus in the wee smalls.  Dabble with some small quaint experiment.  Six hours later Mercury trines Uranus.    Dabble more cleverly.  As Mercury and Venus slowly perfect their conjunction, we’ll see these mirrored aspects get closer together in time.  That night, the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius, then goes void of course.  Dream your to-do list for tomorrow.

Fri Nov 04 the Moon enters Pisces.  Five  hours later, the Moon squares Mercury, and thirty-one minutes later, the Moon squares Venus.  Note that it happens to Mercury first, as Mercury is still catching up with Venus.  The gap is closing fast, though.  Emotions may be near the surface.  Write something romantic.

Sun Nov 06 the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries.  Surprise yourself with an abnormally busy weekend.

Mon Nov 07 the Moon is in Aries when Mars exactly opposes Neptune.  Write with extra deliberation because you can make unusually strong impressions today.   (continue reading…)

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Heads Up!The Writer’s Astrological Almanac October!

by on Oct.03, 2011, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

Heads Up!The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
October 2011

Happy October!  Where is this year going?
We start on Saturday (Saturn’s day of the week) with the Moon in Sagittarius.  Think society, adventure, and yes, publication!  Think this all month long.  Not quite a couple hours after midnight, the Moon trines Uranus.  You could discover something useful in a dream.  Midmorning, the Moon trines Mars.  Have a lively weekend and still get things done.
Sun Oct 02 the Moon is still in Sagittarius when Mars exactly squares Jupiter.  It’s okay to decide that some other project is more important.
Mon Oct 03 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.  This gets the work week off to a smart start.
Wed Oct 05 the Moon enters Aquarius in the early morning.  Three out of four Wednesdays this month will see the Moon in a fixed sign.  Make up your mind, and don’t be distracted from your work.
Thu Oct 06 the Moon is still in Aquarius when Mercury exactly conjuncts Saturn.  Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, so look forward to a day at a slower pace with fewer mistakes.
Fri Oct 07 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius, then goes void of course.  Maybe it’s better to be social and let people inspire you.

(continue reading…)

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Balance! The Autumnal Equinox 2011

by on Sep.24, 2011, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

Maria Spelterini  walks over Niagra FallsHappy Autumnal Equinox.  Go balance something.

Seriously.  This is one of the two days of the year when there are 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night, everywhere, all over the world.  (The other day, of course, is the vernal equinox, the first day of spring.)

On the first day of autumn, the Sun crosses the celestial equator, heading south.  The Sun rises exactly due east on the horizon, and sets due west.  Go out and look.  Be careful driving, though, because a lot of streets run due east-west, and you could get sun-blinded at sunrise or sunset.  If you’re familiar with the neighborhoods, of course, you already know this.

It also means that in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are getting shorter and the nights longer.  Being a hardcore stargazer, it pleases me to think of the nights getting longer.

This year the Moon is in the tropical sign Leo when the Sun reaches 0 degrees Libra.  In 1999, though, we had the Moon in mid-Pisces when the Sun entered Libra.  Had the Moon been nearer the end of Pisces, or at 0 degrees Aries, we would’ve had a full moon to go with the autumnal equinox.  This was close enough, though, that (in the San Francisco area at least), if you went outside at sunset you’d see the new risen Full Moon.  If you faced north (or south, I don’t care) and reached out your arms, you could “hold” the setting sun in one hand and “hold” the Full Moon in the other.  Now that’s balance!

Checking the ephemeris, it seems we won’t have another autumnal equinox Sun and (almost) Full Moon until September 2018.  For the Sun and Moon to (almost) repeat their positions in 19 years tells me that the Metonic Cycle is involved (something we normally only think about in terms of eclipses).

Enjoy having a little extra balance in the world, if only for a day!

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Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac September

by on Sep.03, 2011, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

The Fortune Teller

Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by Kathy Watts

September 2011
This month begins on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day of the week)
with the Moon in Libra, entering Scorpio by early afternoon.
I take that as a trend for the month, beginning smoothly
with big plans, and ramping up as the days go by. Let’s see
how much we can get done!

Fri Sep 02 the Moon is in Scorpio when the Sun exactly
trines Jupiter. Keep your eye on the big project and don’t
get complacent if it’s going well.

Tue Sep 06 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. We see
this at least once a month, but it’s good for getting work
done (especially today, on a Mars day) if we can stay calm
enough to do it.

Wed Sep 07 the Moon is in Capricorn all day. It’s another
month of Wednesdays with the Moon in a cardinal sign. Start
things, but don’t let them languish. The Moon makes an
opposition to Mars in midafternoon, then goes void of
course. If you decide on a major rewrite of something, be
brave but not manic. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! the Writer’s Astrological Almanac August 2011

by on Aug.02, 2011, under Forecasts

Heads Up!

The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

August 2011

Happy August.  It’s a hot month, in more ways than one, very Mars and Mercury heavy.  This year is just buzzing by.

Aug 01 is a Monday, the day of the Moon, with the Moon entering Virgo.  The Moon conjuncts an almost stationary Mercury.  Tomorrow Mercury goes retrograde.  Heads Up.  Whatever your personal retrograde preparation ritual may be, remember to calm your mind and look forward to a chance to do some quality retrospection, editing, and revising.  Four hours later the Sun exactly squares Jupiter.  This is a good time to evaluate your use of time and other resources, and to rein in any excesses or lavish indulgences.  You don’t have to go to extremes and give up all good and fun things, though.

Tue Aug 02 the Moon is void of course in Virgo when Mercury goes stationary retrograde.  Mercury will be retrograde for almost the entire month of August.  This is a prolonged Heads Up.  I suggest that we learn to love it and resolve to make good use of it. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! The Writer’s JulyAstrological Almanac

by on Jul.03, 2011, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

July 2011

by Kathy Watts

We are not lacking for excitement and entertainment this July. If it feels like eclipse season is never going to end, you’re not imagining it. We start off with a New Moon and Solar eclipse on day one, for the second month in a row. This year we get four partial solar eclipses (in January, June, July, and November) and only two lunar eclipses. This is powerful stuff, less in the personal realm, more in the events of the outer world. Stay calm and watch the show from a safe place! (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac June 2011

by on Jun.01, 2011, under Forecasts

California Sea Lion Rookery The Sea Ranch, California

June 2011

The month of June starts off with a big bang — a New Moon and solar eclipse at 11Gemini. It is Wednesday, Mercury’s day of the week (the writer’s day of the week) but I suggest keeping a low profile until after the solar eclipse. My affirmation is, “May this eclipse portend lots of your work getting out into the world.” In which case, do your best, because once out in the world, your words cannot be summoned back. Make this a Heads Up in a good way. (continue reading…)

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Head’s Up!The Writer’s Astrological Almanac May 2011

by on May.01, 2011, under Forecasts

San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf

Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts

May 2011

The merry month of May begins on a Sunday (the Sun’s day of the week). The Moon conjuncts Jupiter in the morning. Let’s accept this as a sign of a month of good luck. Half an hour later, the Moon conjuncts Mars, then goes void of course in the end of Aries. Here’s the energy to take advantage of all that good luck. Careful, though. It’s the day before the New Moon, an automatic Heads Up. Be alert and think before speaking, acting, and traveling.

Mon May 02 is the New Moon at 12 Taurus. This month you can start something beautiful with lasting power. Be willing to be persistent and patient.

Wed May 04 the Moon enters Gemini in the midmorning. Look forward to a productive day, if you ignore the ringing telephone and outpouring of texts and emails. We have from now till Friday evening to bask in this Moon-in Gemini-writing energy. It’s going to be a month of Wednesdays with the Moon in the mutable signs. Work on character development.

Thu May 05 the Moon is firmly in the sign of Gemini. Write away.

Mon May 09 the Moon is in Leo when Mercury conjuncts Venus. Express yourself with beauty, and even a touch of glamour. This conjunction continues in a loose way until May 16 when it repeats exactly. The Moon may move on, but the charm of beautiful expression can linger. Enjoy it.

Wed May 11 the Moon is void of course in Leo when Mars changes signs and enters Taurus. The pulse of the world should slow down a bit, letting us do our work less hysterically. The Moon enters Virgo in the early morning. This further slows the pace, so we can catch more of those silly little errors committed in haste. Less than an hour later Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Aries. Luck is a beautiful thing, especially when it’s ours but even when it’s not. Five hours later Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Aries. This can mean many thoughts, and a big word count for the day. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological April Almanac

by on Apr.04, 2011, under Forecasts

Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts

April 2011
Happy Spring! Congratulations on weathering the storms of March. May there be more sun, warmth, and green growing things in our immediate future! Mercury may be retrograde, but that can be a good thing (yes, you heard me right). Think clearly, carefully, perhaps a bit more slowly (although with Mercury in Aries, how slow can it be?), and deeply. Be grateful for a bit of restraint and a slight curb on what otherwise might be shameless mental mania.

April starts off on a Friday, the day of the week special to Venus and all things charming and lovely. The Moon is void of course in Pisces (and not yet in Aries, for better or worse) when Mars changes signs and enters his home sign of Aries. In a month like this, we could set the world on fire, so be careful and make good choices all month long!

Sat Apr 02 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Aries. Be primed for a high-energy weekend, and remember to take notes, as there may be little time to compose it all properly. Not quite a couple of hours later, the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries. This can be more high-energy surprises, some of which best belong in fiction. Don’t let the stunning stuff pass by unnoticed. Writers are notorious for being observant, after all. It’s also the day before the New Moon (yes, in combustible Aries). Drive safely, especially if you’re in a little red car. Be cautious but not paranoid. Heads Up.

Sun Apr 03 is the New Moon at 13Ari. Inspiration is a form of high energy. If you’re not already fired up about your work, perhaps now’s the time to ask for that. Midday, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, in Aries. This conjunction so close to a new moon makes it even more powerful. Be wide open to massive good luck, and don’t narrowly dictate what form it takes. Two hours later Mars conjuncts Uranus, in Aries. Mars on his alone is combustible. With Uranus, things can be explosive. In Aries (ruled by Mars, don’t forget) it can be more high-yield than “usual” (not that anything about Uranus is usual). I may stay in today and work on my disaster novel. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! The March Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Mar.03, 2011, under Forecasts

3 Lucky Zebras

March 2011
Welcome to the Lucky Number Three month of the year! We begin on a Tuesday (the day of the week ruled by Mars) with the Moon in Aquarius. Saturn traditionally rules Aquarius, so expect a lot of Saturn energy this month. For starters, Venus enters Aquarius today. Make this a month to work energetically, with an eye to form and beauty, and to take your work seriously (if only in private) even if the outside world doesn’t. Begin with this Heads Up: let the word ‘discouragement’ drop out of your dictionary this month.

Wed Mar 2 the Moon is in Aquarius all day. Good work habits can be made into a joy forever. Love your work, do it for yourself and others, and be diligent.

Thu Mar 3 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in the next to the last degree of Aquarius. Be open to big inspirations. It may not last, but what does? Two hours later the Moon moves on and enters Pisces and conjuncts Mars before the day ends. Now it’s time to open your heart to the feelings of others (especially fictional characters). It’s the day before the New Moon, so don’t get too caught up in the emotional soup. With Mars in this mix, the soup could get hot. Heads Up.

Fri Mar 4 is the New Moon at 13Pisces. Indulge in beautiful music. Pick up that abandoned romantic screenplay. Better yet, begin one.

Sat Mar 5 the Moon conjuncts Mercury in Pisces. It’s too easy to say the words that someone yearns to hear. (It’s a great plot device, too.) That night the Moon conjuncts Uranus in the last degree of Pisces. Heads Up. Keep your words, thoughts, and actions gentle and kind. Don’t let any errant comment turn into a cruel parting shot (unless that’s your design, and hopefully it will happen only in some fictional dialog). (continue reading…)

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