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Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac June
by Kathy Watts on Jun.07, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
June 2016
(all times are PDT)
June starts on a Wednesday, Mercury’s day of the week. That can keep the little mind active! The Sun itself is in Gemini, too. Do good things with this. Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all retrograde now. By the middle of the month Neptune will be retrograde, too. Don’t be in too big a rush to do anything. Take your time. Do your best.
Wed Jun 01 the Moon conjoins Uranus in Aries. Heads Up. A frivolous little surprise is always a good excuse for a work break. Don’t let it eat the day.
Fri Jun 03 the Moon conjoins Mercury in Taurus. Work hard and be sociable. Yes, you can do both, although maybe not at the same time. At 8:01 pm the Moon leaves Taurus and enters the sign of Gemini. We have from now until Sunday evening to make the most of our mercurial inclinations and talents. Go for it. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Be safe. Heads Up. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac May 2016
by Kathy Watts on May.02, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
By Kathy Watts
May 2016
(all times PDT)
May! We are in the incredible heart of spring. Five planets are retrograde now, including Mercury, but that won’t last. If life has been hectic, here’s our chance to shift into a slightly lower gear.
Sun May 01 the Moon is void of course in Aquarius when the Sun makes a sextile with Neptune. That can give a boost to dreams and inspiration. Later in the morning the Moon moves into Pisces. Enjoy the dreamy atmosphere but don’t float away.
Mon May 02 the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. The mental fog may thicken, but you can work through, and even with, it. If you’re feeling weepy, blot those eyes and keep writing.
Tue May 03 the Moon is void of course in Pisces when the Sun trines Jupiter (which is still retrograde, by the way). Take on a big project or chip the corner off a big work in progress. There’s no rush. The Moon enters Aries in the late morning. Let your motivation heat up and see how much you can get done.
Wed May 04 the Moon is in Aries all day. Take your vitamins, work hard, and blast away. At 9:17 pm the Moon conjoins Uranus and goes void of course. The Moon may still be in Aries, but the evening should be less hyper, crazy or surprising perhaps but less hyper.
Thu May 05 the Moon enters Taurus at 10:10 am. Work habits can get steadier. Take pleasure in your work all day, as the Moon conjoins Venus at 10:12 pm. Happy Cinco de Mayo! Maybe I should say Heads Up. It’s also the day before the New Moon. Definitely Heads Up! Play it safe and smart.
Fri May 06 is the New Moon in 16 Tau at 12:30 pm. Have a productive and profitable month just by doing what comes naturally (that’s often what we do best anyway). At 7:10 pm the Moon conjoins Mercury retrograde and goes void of course. You don’t need to manically write through the evening, but you might.
Sat May 07 the Moon leaves Taurus at 9:35 am and enters the gloriously creative and infinitely curious sign of Gemini. We have from now until Monday morning to be our most mercurial (in the good sense), conversational, and constructive selves. Do good things!
Sun May 08 the Moon is in Gemini all day. Are you still reading, writing, and socializing? Take mental notes. (continue reading…)
Head’s Up! Writer’s Astrological Almanac April 2016
by Kathy Watts on Apr.28, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
April 2016
(times are PDT)
Spring has most definitely sprung, no matter what the weather is! April starts on a Friday, the day of the week for Venus, so make this a month of love, inside and out. If nothing else, love what you do. Don’t let a daily grind take the magic out of it for you. (continue reading…)
Heads Up! Astrological Almanac March 13-31st
by Kathy Watts on Mar.13, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
March 13 th- 25th times are Pacific Daylight Time
Sun Mar 13 the Moon enters the sign Gemini at 2:03 pm. Make the most of the time from now until next Tuesday afternoon to write, read, communicate, and create ways of expressing what matters to you. Work fast, too!
Tue Mar 15 the Moon leaves Gemini and enters Cancer at 5:57 pm. Get a lot done? Enjoy a good supper, regardless.
Wed Mar 16 the Moon is in Cancer all day. If you work at home, you can get a lot done (though you may need a lot of snacks to see you through).The Moon trines Venus at 2:44 am (sweet dreams!), and trines Neptune at 12:09 pm. This can keep the dreams and ideas coming. Let something plot itself. Fifty-seven minutes later, at 1:06 pm, Jupiter makes a trine with Pluto. This is the sky’s way of reminding us that we are all in this together and we can fix darn near anything, no matter how big or messy. This is a ‘have no fear’ kind of aspect, it’s been applying slowly over the last few months, and will continue to have effect for months to come. Keep up the good work! (continue reading…)
Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac March 1st-12th
by Kathy Watts on Mar.04, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
March 1st – 7th times are Pacific Standard Time, PST until March 13 when PDT begins.)
March starts on a Tuesday, the day of the week for the planet Mars. Think of it as a high-energy month rather than a blustery contentious month. We have a lot of work that we care about, and nothing can slow us down once we get started.
Tue Mar 01 the Moon conjoins Saturn in Sagittarius. Be disciplined in a big way, and serious in a gentle way.
Wed Mar 02 the Moon is in Sagittarius all day. Is something ready to be submitted and sent out into the world? Do it. Network and query, too. The Moon makes a sextile with Mercury at 6:55 pm and goes void of course. This aspect has been applying all day long and can result in plenty of ideas and works in progress.
Fri Mar 04 the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Get lost in your work, if need be, and feel good about it all. That night, Mercury squares Mars. Don’t rush to judgment about anything. Let your work settle into itself before thinking about changes or editing. Destroy nothing now. You can always burn it later.
Sat Mar 05 the Moon is in Capricorn when Mercury changes signs and enters Pisces. Thoughts get bigger, more vague and emotional. Write (or read) romances today, or at least things with happy endings. Spiritual projects are probably okay, too. At 8:05 am the Moon sextiles Mars and then goes void of course until entering Aquarius seventeen minutes later at 8:22 am. This may create a stormy beginning but your opinions should rapidly calm down and let you be more objective. That evening at 6:29 pm Mars changes signs, leaving Scorpio and entering Sagittarius. It’s fine to do a few more things for someone else, especially if it furthers everyone’s artistic endeavors. And let’s not overlook the Sun making a square with Saturn at 10:04 pm. If criticism has been harsh today or authority figures have been more visible than usual, now you know why. You can work with this. (continue reading…)
Head’s Up Astrological Almanac Feb1st-29th
by Kathy Watts on Feb.02, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
February 2016
(all times are Pacific Standard Time, PST)
February starts on a Monday, the day ruled by the Moon. Feelings will be powerful all month. What more can a creative person ask for? Pluto and Mercury are only one degree apart now. Look deeply and see all manner of marvels and mysteries. February is tumultuous and lop-sided, at a time when we need all our wits about us. It doesn’t hurt that so many planets are on the same side of the sky. That will change.
The inner planets, the personal ones, Mercury and Venus, hug the Sun and will follow where the Sun goes. Over the next five years, Jupiter and Saturn will draw closer together, square now but will make a conjunction in 2020. Last time in 2000, the conjunction was in Taurus. In 2020 it will be in Aquarius. We are facing what some astrologers call a “grand mutation.” (ed note: most ancients only recognized ‘grand’ mutations when they entered fiery signs; entering or ingresses into Air signs, such as Aquarius were referred to as ‘lesser’ mutations). Remember, before Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered, it was up to Jupiter and Saturn to explain all of history, politics, and economics.) In 2000 the King and the Guru (Jupiter and Saturn) were in a Fixed sign but in 2020 they will meet in an Air sign. Perhaps the world will be less materialistically manic and instead be ready for a true revolution. It will be different world. But, isn’t it always?
Mon Feb 01 the Moon is in Scorpio all day and conjoins Mars in the wee small hours. It may be an intense day, so work with intensity, and with great energy.
Wed Feb 03 the Moon is in Sagittarius all day. The Sun makes a sextile with Saturn at 10:17 am. Have solid answers to elusive questions. A bit more than an hour later, at 11:31 am the Moon conjoins Saturn. Heads Up. Respect and authority are there for you. Use them wisely. Write those succinct, professional query letters and pitches now.
Fri Feb 05 the Moon is in Capricorn all day. Venus and Pluto form a conjunction in Capricorn at 5:15 pm. Heads Up. Have sensible party plans for the weekend and meanwhile write those racy sexy scenes. The Moon now conjoins Pluto at 10:01 pm. At 10:29 pm the Moon next conjoins Venus. Heads Up. Whatever you do, get home safely, okay? You have work waiting for you.
Sat Feb 06 the Moon is in the end of Capricorn when Mercury trines Jupiter. Heads Up. We can use all the good luck and ease that we can get.
Sun Feb 07 the Moon in Aquarius makes a sextile with Saturn in Sagittarius. You may be ready for some peace and quiet to get your thoughts organized for tomorrow. The real news, though, is that tomorrow is the New Moon. Heads Up and be safe.
Mon Feb 08 is the New Moon at 19 Aqu. Heads Up for a brighter, bolder, bigger outlook. It’s also the Chinese New Year (of the Monkey). Gung Hay Fat Choy and all that! No one needs to tell a writer, or any creative soul, about the importance of mischief.
Tue Feb 09 the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Visualize getting a lot done today before going out to celebrate. It’s Mardi Gras. At end of day, 11:54 pm Venus is trine Jupiter. Let the good times roll!
Wed Feb 10 the Moon is in Pisces all day. A good day for poetry, music, and writing scenes with irrational characters having emotional outbursts, all out of love of course. At 8:25 pm the Moon is sextile Mercury then goes void of course. If your mind has been spinning, it may start to calm down now.
Fri Feb 12 is the Moon-Uranus conjunction in Aries. Look for, and maybe create, a beautiful surprise or two.
Sat Feb 13 the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury changes signs, leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Don’t let your work ethic slip. You have important things to say.
Mon Feb 15 the Moon enters the sign of Gemini at 6:35 am. Release those mercurial impulses and connect with your world (and with your inner frisky brat). At 10:36 am the Moon is sextile Mercury. That can make being curious and communicative even easier. We only have until midday Wednesday to splurge and indulge those reading, writing, and networking appetites. Go for it.
Tue Feb 16 the Moon is in Gemini when Venus changes signs, leaves Capricorn and joins Mercury in Aquarius. Your work style may getting more intellectual and cerebral rather than pragmatic. Regardless, be productive.
Wed Feb 17 the Moon trines the Sun at 8:37 am and goes void of course in Gemini until it enters Cancer at 11:24 am. Did you get a lot done? Maybe a nice lunch is called for. Also, today is the last day of the month when the Sun is in Aquarius. Tomorrow the world may seem more misty and mystical, touchy, feelie, dreamy and idealistic. Heads Up.
Thu Feb 18 the Moon is in Cancer when the Sun changes signs, leaves Aquarius behind and enters the deep waters of Pisces. Heads Up. How much Water do you want? Obviously, write and create with deep emotion today. You can edit and have it make sounder sense later on. Of course, sometimes the hearts speaks with a shocking clarity.
sounder sense later on. Of course, sometimes the hearts speaks with a shocking clarity. (continue reading…)
Head’s Up!Astrological Almanac Jan18-31st
by Kathy Watts on Jan.18, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
January 18th-31st 2016
(times are all Pacific Standard Time, PST)
Mon Jan 18 the Moon is in Taurus all day. At 3:01 am Mars makes a trine with Neptune. There’s magic in this trine, and with Mars in Scorpio, it may not be gentle. It may be a good day to let a character’s emotions run wild, though. Heads Up.
Tue Jan 19 the Moon enters Gemini at 1:13 am. Heads Up for extra writerly and artistic self-indulgence and productivity. This will end early on Thursday, so jump right on it. It goes fast. It’s also the last day of the month that the Sun spends in Capricorn. Tomorrow the world will be bigger if not brighter, with wider perspective.
Wed Jan 20 the Moon is in Gemini when the Sun enters Aquarius at 7:27 am. Heads Up. If it’s been a work-crazed month so far, that might lighten up but the desire to work isn’t going to go away. Mercury retrograde is square Uranus at 10:26 am. This could be a Heads Up if you’re feeling mischievous.
Thu Jan 21 the Moon enters Cancer at 5:28 am. Treat yourself to a nice breakfast and keep working.
Fri Jan 22 the Moon is Cancer when at 1:59 am Mercury retrograde conjoins Pluto at 15 Cap. Alarming thoughts could try to grab hold of your imagination. Let them go. Mercury won’t be retrograde much longer and it’s moving slowly and powerfully through the sky. Heads Up. The Moon conjoins Mercury retrograde at 9:17 am. Your heart may speak more loudly than your head. The Moon then conjoins Pluto at 9:34 am. It’s an intense way to spend the morning, so maybe cut down on the coffee. By the way, the Moon is square Uranus at 11:32 am. Surprises may not be so pleasing now. It’s a sort of Heads Up day. (continue reading…)
Head’s Up! Writer’s Astrological Almanac Jan 1st-17th
by Kathy Watts on Jan.01, 2016, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
January 1st-7th 2016
(times are all Pacific Standard Time, PST)
Happy New Year! Whatever 2015 gave or took away, 2016 is here now and we get a fresh start. Hard work and simply being sensible and realistic will get us through better than we might think. Take care of essentials and work hard on those things you love most. Like, ah, being creative and expressive. And remember, you are not alone. Starting the year with the Moon in Libra generates a firm, fond bond between us all. Write on!
Fri Jan 01 the Moon is in Libra all day. It’s a Venus day with the Moon in a sign ruled by Venus. Enjoy what pleases you most and indulge in the arts that inspire you. (Me, I’ve resumed reading War and Peace.) In the evening Mercury changes signs, leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. We can think about a bigger audience now.
Sun Jan 03 the Moon is still in Libra when Mars leaves Libra and enters its nocturnal home sign of Scorpio. (Even if you treat Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio, Mars is still extremely strong here, and much happier than being in Libra.) Get motivated and make some progress, no matter how much socializing happens. Midday, at 11:52 am the Moon also enters Scorpio. Get focused on your current work. By 1:12 pm, the Moon has caught up with Mars to make a conjunction. If you need to go home and shut the door to get things done, why not.
Mon Jan 04 the Moon is in Scorpio all day. The Moon is trine Neptune at 2:56 am, setting us up for a dreamy day. Don’t dream the day away, though. Tomorrow Mercury goes retrograde. Get mentally organized and be ready. Do you know where your phone and keys are? Good. Heads Up!
Tue Jan 05 is a Heads Up day. The Moon is in Scorpio when Mercury makes a square with Mars at 4:00 am. Heads Up. A dream may expose a flawed idea. Mercury then goes stationary retrograde at 5:06 am, at 01 Aqu. Heads Up. Get ready to repeat and improve something that you thought was finished. At 7:28 pm, the Sun conjoins Pluto, at 15Cap. Heads Up. If tensions have been mounting all day, blame it on this. At last, the Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:56 pm. Whew. (continue reading…)
Heads Up!Writer’s Astrological Almanac Dec13-31
by Kathy Watts on Dec.13, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
December 13th-31st 2015
all times PST
Sun Dec 13 the Moon is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Heads Up. You can get through any amount of holiday preparation craziness just be being organized and refusing to be rushed. Besides, you’re probably also thinking about your current project. It’s permitted, so long as you drive safely. It’s St. Lucy’s day. Do you know where your candles are? (continue reading…)
Heads Up! Writer’s Astrological Almanac Dec 1st-12th
by Kathy Watts on Dec.03, 2015, under Forecasts
Heads Up!
The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
December 1st- 12th 2015
all times PST
The year is ending. Let’s finish strong! December starts on Tuesday, the day of the week ruled by Mars, so put in your best effort and use every day! We begin with a Grand Trine in Fire, involving the Moon, Mercury, and Uranus. Light your own fire and surprise yourself!
Wed Dec 02 the Moon spends almost all day in Virgo. Settle down and clean up some previous work, perhaps part of what you did yesterday. It’s already good. Make it better.
Thu Dec 03 the Moon makes a conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo. Be lucky and creative in countless small ways. This also means short words in preference to long.
Fri Dec 04 the Moon is in Libra when Venus changes signs, leave her nocturnal home of Libra and enters Scorpio. Heads Up. If you been holding back on writing those spicier love scenes, now’s the time.
Sat Dec 05 the Moon is conjunct Mars in Libra. Heads Up. Get people to cooperate by not interfering with them. Give that stubborn character a tiny nudge, step back, and watch the whole chapter unfold. (continue reading…)