Heads Up! The Astrological Almanac Sept 1st-5th
by Kathy Watts on Sep.03, 2015, under Forecasts

Birth of Venus by Botticelli
Heads Up!
The Astrological Almanac for Writers
by Kathy Watts
September 1st – 5th 2015
(all times are PDT)
September starts a few hours after one of the most intense of aspects – Venus conjunct Mars. In Leo, no less. Venus is retrograde but preparing to go stationary direct, so Venus may be moving more slowly than Mars and thus be stronger. Perhaps urbane good sense will outweigh passionate action. You decide. Regardless, it’s a Tuesday (the day of the week ruled by Mars, with the Moon in Aries (a Mars-ruled sign). Take that fire and burn your way through a month full of productive days. Be daring and undeterred. You can still love it, too.
Tue Sep 01 the Moon is in Aries all day. The Moon makes a trine with Venus at 1:24 am. Have an impossibly sweet dream. Twelve minutes later the Moon is trine Mars. If that dream heats up, well, there you go. Later that morning, the Moon is conjunct Uranus and then goes void of course. It’s a day of surprises, so roll with any punches and take good notes for later.
Wed Sep 02 the Moon enters Taurus a couple of hours after midnight. Work hard (if not quickly) and respect those necessary creature comforts, like tea.
Fri Sep 03 the Moon enters Gemini at 4:48 am. Get up early and jump into that creative, expressive writerly frame of mind. We have until late morning on Sunday to be as mercurial and connected as we please. Go for it! Network your way through the first half of the weekend, while you’re at it.
Sat Sep 04 the Moon is in Gemini when the Sun makes a trine with Pluto. Something drastic may happen, or merely occur to you, but it doesn’t have to be bad.