Astrological Forecasts

Archive for October, 2019

Heads Up! October Astrological Almanac

by on Oct.03, 2019, under Forecasts

Heads Up!

an Astrological Almanac

by Kathy Watts

October 2019

all times PDT

Boo! Here we are in the heart of autumn. The month starts on a Tuesday, the day of the week for Mars, with the Moon in Scorpio. How rambunctious do you want this month to be? Think carefully before answering because there is enough energy to do darn near whatever you want.

Tue Oct 01 the Moon is in Scorpio all day. If that’s not enough heat for you, last night there was a Venus-Pluto square that thankfully is separating. Regardless, keep that energy level high and pour it into your work and not your paranoia.

Wed Oct 02 the Moon starts off in Scorpio. After the Moon-Mars sextile at 2:46 am, the Moon goes void of course until 4:44 am as it enters Sagittarius. It can be a social, scattered day, but you can still be productive. At 11:39 pm Pluto goes stationary direct. Sleep well.

Thu Oct 03 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Mercury changes signs, leaves Libra and enters Scorpio. Heads Up. Mercury is now in the heart of the Via Combusta. Don’t let your head be too hard on your heart. The Moon conjoins Jupiter at 1:40 pm. And it’s Jupiter’s day of the week. Look on the bright side. At 9:22 pm Mars changes signs, leaves Virgo and enters Libra. Do your physical exercise and feel virtuous. Heads Up. (continue reading…)

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