Astrological Forecasts

Archive for 2012

Peter Burns Horary Workshop NCGR Sacramento

by on Apr.24, 2012, under Lectures & Workshops, Traditional Astrology

Peter Burns has come  all the way from Australia to teach traditional astrology! Peter gave an outstanding presentation, on the Planetary Hours, as well as a tremendous workshop on the Fixed Stars, for San Francisco Astrological Association at Fort Mason, this past April. (continue reading…)

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Head’s Up! April 2012~The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Apr.01, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

Happy Spring!

April 2012

Happy glorious April! April the First, All Fools’ Day, starts off on Sunday, the Sun’s day, with the Moon entering Leo. Let this be a month of bright golden moments, and I’m not fooling around. It’s true, we still have a few more days of Mercury being retrograde, but that can add focus as well as slow down the fast pace. The Sun is in the heart of Aries. You can make this month work for you.

Tue Apr 03 the Moon is in Virgo when Venus changes signs and enters the sign of Gemini. For all the rest of this month, Venus is a guest in Mercury’s house. May your writing (and all communications) be at their most beautiful and charming. The Moon also conjuncts Mars today. Take that as an extra dose of energy to pour into  your work. Perhaps it’s a good day to do some hardcore editing. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac Heads Up!

by on Mar.02, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

San Francisco Plum Blossoms
March 2012

Happy windy month of March! We begin on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) with the Moon in Gemini all day. Start big, or at least think and plan big. Sprouting and growing are big parts of what spring is all about.

Fri Mar 02 the Moon is still in Gemini when Mercury changes signs and enters Aries. Our words can be more fully and truly our own. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! The February 2012 Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Feb.01, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

Happy February!

Wed Feb 01 gives us the Moon moving into Gemini. We start the month off with a writing bash that lasts until Friday evening. Put on that extra sweater, socks, maybe turn up the heat, or cuddle closer to your laptop, and indulge your writing passion while the outside world does its chill winter thing (assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere or not in the tropics, Hawaii or Key West or some other classic writer refuge). Also today, Venus exactly opposes Mars retrograde. Ah, Love on the tips of both horns. Perhaps paper (or bytes) are the best place to put passions today.

Thu Feb 02 the Moon trines Mercury, a nice touch to add when the Moon is already in Mercury’s home sign of Gemini. Ideas should be in generous supply today. Take notes. (continue reading…)

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Dorothy Live on KZYX Tonight!!

by on Jan.30, 2012, under Financial, Lectures & Workshops, Traditional Astrology

will be appearing on the radio tonight, at 7:00 PM PST (8) *don’t know what that is elsewhere* so please say a little prayer for me at 7pm okay?

Anyway, it will be live streaming so if you can find it, tune us in! I will be trying to explain traditional astrology horary on my Blake Moore’s fabulous ‘Women’s Voices’ on KZYX

Never tried to do horary on the radio before, so don’t know but here are the stats, and the links for those who might want to listen.

KXYX and KXYZ 90.7 Philo, 88.1 Ft. Bragg, 91.5 Ukiah, Mendocino County Public Broadcasting.

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The Previous Spring Ingress prior to Costa Concordia’s Sinking

by on Jan.30, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

I am so thrilled to have received such an excellent question from a person who has given so much to the traditional astrology movement by his digging up the many ancient books of William Lilly and other’s, John Ballantrae who asked:

Dear Dorothy:

“That chart for the ship leaving the harbor can presumably be applied to anyone or anything beginning a journey in that  location, at that moment. However, car journeys didn’t end in disaster; buses leaving the depot at that time didn’t crash. Etc. How is this chart relevant or what is it about this chart that is valid for showing the outcome of the voyage? The approach reminds me of the charts set for when JFK jr.’s fatal flight took off – but it wasn’t the only flight that took off around that time and from that location that reached its destination safely.”

A brilliant question, indeed. How do we know that this is not just a random event?

Well, as Ptolemy sayeth:

“Since, then prognotication by astronomical means is divided into two great principal parts, and since the first and more universal is that which relates to whole races, countries and cities, which is called general, and the second more specific has to do with individual men….because matters are swayed by greater and more powerful causes than are particular events And since weaker natures always yield to the stronger…”

Ptolemy also tells us we should always look to the greater charts, i.e., Ingresses, New Moons, and Eclipses, because as smaller beings we are subject to the country we live in. I think had we looked into the charts of John his wife, and her sister at the time, we would have seen that each of their charts were in perilous situation, astrologically. In addition, had we looked to the Ingress chart set for the United States, we would have probably seen the tragedy there, as well, because the entire nation was deeply affected by that crash, even though other planes took off and landed safely at their destination. Perhaps, as time allows we can put up that chart, too. (continue reading…)

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The Costa Concordia – One Unlucky Cruise

by on Jan.15, 2012, under Traditional Astrology

The Bottle Should Break!The Costa Concordia Friday 13th

The Costa Concordia Friday 13th

At about 2 hours after the sun had dropped into the Mediterranean Sea,  the Costa Concordia, set sail from  Citiavecchio, about 80 kilometers west of Rome, on what it thought was a routine voyage, but on this, Friday the 13th,  things would be anything but routine. Instead the ship would run aground, leading at least 5 unlucky souls to their death,  17 missing and thousands cold and stranded.  What happened on that fateful night, we can only speculate. Astrologers believe that every ending is based upon single beginning. Therefore, ancients were very careful to pay very close attention to every little detail of birth, because they came to believe that the very first moment of holds within it, the seeds of future. It is on this basis, that astrology is based. The very first moment is so important to some Vedic astrologers, that they will pay more attention to an omen than the actual natal chart!

Indeed, omens are so deeply ingrained in the human psyche that even those who scoff at astrology, often cannot help but react when an omen smacks them in the face. Such is the case of the Unlucky Costa Concordia. Many do know that in New York, the home of tall skyscrapers, a 13th floor rarely, if at all, exists,  so strong the superstition in building a 13th floor, but the Costa Concordia, did heed this urban tradition, and housed 13 decks, along with 13 bars, which given the Venus conjoined with Neptune, as we will see, perhaps was not such a good idea.

We do not know what time the Costa Concordia was initially launched on September 2nd, 2005, As you know, that it is customary, just before a ship takes her first plunge into the sea, to christen her by breaking a bottle of champagne on her side – for good luck!!  Listen to the moaning as the bottle refuses to break!

So what happened in the last few hours of Friday the 13th of January,  to  bring this massive skyscraper of a ship to her side, on the tiny Giglio Island ? We can only speculate. However, astrologers know that cruise ship’s future, for better, or for worse, was already noted by the angels, with that first splash the Costa Concordia made at approximately 7pm, local time, when she left the harbor of Citavechhio and headed out to sea.


William Lilly and the ancients drew out precise instructions for shipping with the first house representing the ship and all who sail in her.

Looking at the first house, we see that partying sign of Leo rises, we can assume that there was a festive and upbeat atmosphere on the ship, when it set sail. Such a playful feeling that some astute passengers were keen to notice that there were no safety drills as are the normal procedures. This casual attitude at launch is the first sign that those on board are in harm’s way because their ruler, the Sun  is placed in one of the weakest sector of the chart, the house of illness, known as the 6th house.  In general, the Sun has to do with all things royal. And we could say that those onboard represented the crème de la crème of society, and is very descriptive of a ship filled with the upper echelon of society,  dressed to the ‘nines’ and enjoying themselves to the fullest, but so placed completely in the dark as to the dangers that lurked just ahead. At about 9:15 pm,  “we heard a crash. Glasses and plates fell down and we went out of the dining room and we were told it wasn’t anything dangerous” according to Gert Hammer, 65 , told The Associated Press she was eating her first course, when the ship lurched to its side.

Even though the ship had run aground, passengers were told it was but a minor electrical error. Notice the Moon conjoined to Mars in the 3rd house, a clear sign of a big whopper!! Also notice that the ancients said that because the angle of the 6th house did not divide evenly into the circle, that it could not ‘see’ and was thus a ‘blind’ house. And indeed, with the passengers were kept ‘in the dark’ about what was really going on for another 45 minutes when the power went off and chaos erupted. And again indicative of that Moon and Mars combo in the house of communications, in many cases, passengers said authorities contradicted one another, telling them one thing and then reversing course.

The Sun is also the natural representative of royalty, on a ship, it will have a lot to say about the methods of the the top brass on board,  specifically the captain. It also insinuates that the captain might have been very slow to react because we notice the Sun is at hard angle to planet of  death,  Saturn.  If this were not enough, looking to the section denoting the captain, we see the very stubborn Taurus astride the cusp of the captain’s house, the tenth sector. This makes the ever handsome and charming, Venus the captain’s planetary emissary. Notice, Venus is in the house of others, the seventh, specifically with Neptune, the planet of illusion.  Where Neptune goes, drugs, and alcohol, all too often follow. Also, Taurus, being both fixed and earthy, is the most stubborn of the signs, on the house of the captain. Hit the following link, and you can hear (albeit in beautiful Italian),  Captain Francesco Schettino, tell tgcom24, that the ship impacted a rock, ‘that was not marked. ‘

We do not know for certain, but some have said that the captain of the vessel was seen leaving the ship before the people had been evacuated! At this time, the captain claimed there should have been water where the rock was! Although, the villagers of Giglio claim they had never seen the ship come so close to the island before. At this time Captain Schettino is in custody, and could face manslaughter charges.

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Linea Van Horn speaks on The Galactic Embrace San Francisco Jan 12th!!

by on Jan.08, 2012, under Lectures & Workshops


One of the great teachers of the Art of Astrology, Linea Van Horn will be giving us the ‘nitty gritty’ on the often confusing Galactic Center, which,  in San Francisco, on January 12th, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. (continue reading…)

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Heads Up! 2012 The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Jan.02, 2012, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology

Winter Wonderland

Heads Up!

The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by Kathy Watts

January 2012

Happy New Year!  Jupiter is no longer retrograde and few things shine brighter or higher in the sky than Jupiter.  May this be a beautiful, benevolent year when we are happy to be good luck for each other.  It also promises to be a very mercurial year, in that Mercury participates fully in the dance with all the planets.  May we be prolific and widely appreciated for the good work we do.

Let’s start at the beginning.  The Moon is in Aries on Sunday, the Sun’s day, January 01.  Be willing to shine all year, even on days when enthusiasm sags.  Heads Up in all good ways.

Mon Jan 02 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus.  Look for good luck to share with other people.

Wed Jan 04 the Moon is in Taurus all day.  Love your work and make it gorgeous.

Thu Jan 05 the Moon enters Gemini and gives us from now till Saturday night to write with the best.  Start the year strong and don’t hold back.

Sat Jan 07, with the Moon still in Gemini, Mercury sextiles Saturn,  Be a little more careful with your words, because they’re powerful.  Seven hours later Mercury then sextiles Neptune. Relax and be a bit more fanciful.  These aspects carry extra punch because Mercury is in the final degrees of Sagittarius.  Think big while you can.   Midday, the Moon opposes Mercury, then goes void of course until the Moon enters Cancer an hour or so later. What you say and write and will be noticed.  By end of day, Mercury leaves Sagittarius and enters the hardworking sign of Capricorn.  Tomorrow things will sound more constrained and serious.

Sun Jan 08 the Moon is in its home sign Cancer when Mercury trines Jupiter.  Be generous with your ideas.  Five hours later Mercury squares Uranus.  Be constructively self-critical and make some discoveries.  Late that night comes the Full Moon at 18 Cancer.  Make this a month to work on projects of meaning and substance. (continue reading…)

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