Archive for October, 2011
Heads Up!The Writer’s Astrological Almanac October!
by Kathy Watts on Oct.03, 2011, under Forecasts, Traditional Astrology
Heads Up!The Writer’s Astrological Almanac
by Kathy Watts
October 2011
Happy October! Where is this year going?
We start on Saturday (Saturn’s day of the week) with the Moon in Sagittarius. Think society, adventure, and yes, publication! Think this all month long. Not quite a couple hours after midnight, the Moon trines Uranus. You could discover something useful in a dream. Midmorning, the Moon trines Mars. Have a lively weekend and still get things done.
Sun Oct 02 the Moon is still in Sagittarius when Mars exactly squares Jupiter. It’s okay to decide that some other project is more important.
Mon Oct 03 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. This gets the work week off to a smart start.
Wed Oct 05 the Moon enters Aquarius in the early morning. Three out of four Wednesdays this month will see the Moon in a fixed sign. Make up your mind, and don’t be distracted from your work.
Thu Oct 06 the Moon is still in Aquarius when Mercury exactly conjuncts Saturn. Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, so look forward to a day at a slower pace with fewer mistakes.
Fri Oct 07 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius, then goes void of course. Maybe it’s better to be social and let people inspire you.